A short indie horror game where you explore the mysterious Kukuriku Island, uncover traces of an ancient civilization, and navigate the shadowy forces at play.
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Bu Oyun Hakkında

A short indie horror game where you explore the mysterious Kukuriku Island, uncover traces of an ancient civilization, and navigate the shadowy forces at play.


Experience a world where the story unfolds around you in real-time through scripted events. No cutscenes, no interruptions—just you in control. Dive into conversations, eavesdrop, or walk away—it's your call.


Interact with the world naturally, pulling, pushing, and grabbing. Every action feels tactile, opening the door to immersive and quirky gameplay moments.


Lose yourself in a meticulously crafted environment. PSX-ish style visuals, rich soundscapes and sound effects bring every moment to life. Hear sounds change as you move, get muffled behind walls, or echo in certain spaces.


  • Contextual dialogues

  • Realtime choreographed cutscenes and events

  • Physical interactions

  • Immersive volumetric audio

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Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 10 64 Bit, Windows 11 64 bit
    • İşlemci: Quad core CPU
    • Bellek: 4 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: 2GB VRAM
    • Depolama: 1 GB kullanılabilir alan
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