It's 1994 in the mountains of Northern Japan - Are you ready to fall in love? Snowkissed Romance weaves addictive stat-building, day planning, and mini-games with captivating storytelling and plenty of ’90s shoujo charm.
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Nagyon pozitív (10) - 10 felhasználói értékelésből 100% pozitív az utóbbi 30 napban.
Minden értékelés:
Pozitív (35) - E játék 35 felhasználói értékeléséből 100% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2025. jan. 25.

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Snowkissed Romance indítása


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A játékról

The Game

During your final winter break before college in December of 1994, step foot into the mythical town of Yukihari, based in the Northern mountains of Japan. Arrive at your Aunt’s charming ski resort where there’s plenty of new faces and fun to discover since your last visit!

What begins as a peaceful holiday with your best friend quickly transforms into an emotional journey when your older brother crashes with his three college roommates, who happen to be your childhood friends who moved away years ago.

You must navigate through old memories and new emotions while relationships unfold during this magical season of love and self-discovery. Every choice you make and action you take matters - Will you build cherished memories with an old flame, connect with new friends, or end the season alone?


Customizable Main Character: Select your name, gender, zodiac sign, and even your blood type to shape your personality from the very beginning. It doesn’t stop there, you’ll be able to take a personality quiz and create a complete profile for yourself from your appearance to your favorite food and more!

Personality Development: Every choice matters. From the way you spend your days to how you interact with the characters, your personality evolves in real-time, impacting your compatibility and story progression. Are you more shy when it comes to love? Or are you more bold and flirty? Your personality shines through in the dialogue and even impacts your compatibility with other characters.

Build your Stats:Your personality is uniquely shaped in part through the stats that you build throughout the game including . Intelligence

  • Athleticism

  • Sensitivity

  • Style

  • Elegance

  • Resilience

  • Charisma

  • Charm

  • Stress 

Multiple Endings: Whether you find your one true love, create a dramatic love triangle, make a new group of friends, stick by your best friend for the trip, or walk away from the mountain alone, each play-through offers a unique conclusion. 

Cafe Mini-Game: Work at your Aunt’s Cocoa Shop to earn extra money for gifts and activities. Take orders and craft specialty drinks in time to complete your shift successfully. But don't work too hard, or the stress might make you sick and send you home for the season!

Day Planning: Decide how to spend each day, from hitting the slopes to relaxing in the onsen. Will you go out with the whole group or steal a private moment with your favorite character? When planning your day, be mindful of what activity you do, some take longer than others and some activities can only happen when evening falls. Each location has unique stat boosts and secrets to uncover. 

As you play, be on the look out for hidden secrets because there’s a lot to be discovered in Yukihari. The demo is just a taste. The full game will have even more features to discover.


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: intel
    • Grafika: DirectX 9
    • DirectX: Verzió: 9.0
    • Tárhely: 5 GB szabad hely
    • VR támogatás: N/A
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: macOS Sierra
    • Processzor: SSE4.1
    • Memória: 5 GB RAM

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