‘Broken Sword - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered’ is a stunning update to the multi million-selling original. A mysterious escapade of intrigue and deceit, in which journalist Nico Collard and her adventuring companion George Stobbart must overcome powerful forces from fulfilling their evil ambitions.
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Meget positive (1,066) - 91% af de 1,066 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
31. okt. 1997

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Køb Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror (2010)

HK$ 48.00


“London, the Caribbean, the docks of Marseilles, and, of course, Central America and Maya ruins are each artfully and realistically re-created, providing the very distinctive sense of place necessary to fully immerse you in the game.”
7.9/10 – Gamespot

“This is a sequel that has it all: laughs, danger, drama, romance… and a lucky lump of coal.”
9.5/10 – Alternative Magazine Online

Om dette spil

‘Broken Sword - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered’ is a stunning update to the multi million-selling original. While investigating a ruthless drug gang, journalist Nico Collard unexpectedly comes across an ancient artifact. Little can she know that the ornately carved obsidian stone will lead her, and her adventuring companion George Stobbart, into a mysterious escapade of intrigue and deceit, in which they must overcome powerful forces and antagonists who will stop at nothing to fulfil their evil ambitions.

Torment and terror, sacrificial rituals, and bloody massacre is unearthed beneath a veil of Mayan mystery. Kidnap, stolen treasure, astronomy, and deadly drug baron are the least of the duo’s worries, as divine forces threaten to annihilate mankind! Nerve, cunning and guile are essential in order to conquer in this compelling adventure, guaranteed to leave you with an aching brain and a beating heart. Are you up to the challenge?

Along with an exclusive new interactive digital comic, from ‘Watchmen’ co-creator Dave Gibbons, the game boasts fully animated facial expressions, enhanced graphics throughout, high quality music as well as a context-sensitive hint system, and diary.

Key Features:
  • Over 60 characters with which to interact
  • A multitude of highly detailed locations to explore
  • Hundreds of mind-bending puzzles and clues to collect
  • Beautiful classically animated sequences
  • Stunning music from world-famous composer, Barrington Pheloung


    • OS *: Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista
    • Processor: Pentium or equivalent
    • Memory: 16 Mb
    • Graphics: Direct X 5.0 compatible card
    • DirectX®: 5.0 or greater
    • Hard Drive: 600 Mb
    • Sound: Direct X compatible card
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.
    • OS: OS X version Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or later
    • Hard Drive: 1GB free space

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