Hack the System. Uncover the Truth
Všechny recenze:
1 uživatelských recenzí - Pro vygenerování hodnocení je potřeba více uživatelských recenzí
Datum vydání:
15. led. 2025

Abyste mohli tento produkt přidat do svého seznamu přání, začít ho sledovat nebo ho zařadit mezi ignorované, musíte se nejprve přihlásit.

Hra s předběžným přístupem

Získejte okamžitý přístup, začněte hrát a zapojte se do vývoje této hry.

Poznámka: Hry s předběžným přístupem nejsou dokončené a během vývoje se mohou, ale nemusí změnit. Pokud Vás tedy tato hra nyní nezaujala, zkuste počkat, než se dostane do další fáze vývoje. Více informací zde

Zpráva od vývojářů:

Proč předběžný přístup?

„We want our game to reach players in its best possible form. Therefore, we need extra time to make the final adjustments and perfect the gaming experience. Early access provides a great opportunity to carry out this process together with our players.“

Přibližně jak dlouho bude tato hra v předběžném přístupu?

„We anticipate that the early access phase will not exceed 6 months. However, this is not a definitive timeline and may vary depending on feedback from players.“

Jak se bude plná verze lišit od předběžného přístupu?

„The full version is planned to include new stories and mechanics. Additionally, existing content will be refined and further developed.“

V jaké fázi vývoje se hra nachází?

„The current state of the game offers a playable experience with three distinct storylines, each providing unique gameplay elements. While the game is already enjoyable, it will continue to evolve and improve with future updates.“

Změní se cena hry po skončení předběžného přístupu?

„At this stage, there are no plans for price changes, but more concrete information on this topic may be shared in the future.“

Jak plánujete zapojit komunitu do vývoje této hry?

„We plan to involve the community by adding or removing features based on their feedback. We highly value our community.“
Zjistit více
Čeština není podporována

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Informace o hře

The Truth Behind Crime and Mystery

In the shadow of dark secrets, you can only rely on your intelligence and digital tools to find the truth. Silent Signals offers an immersive detective experience that invites you to solve unsolved mysteries by pushing the boundaries of the cyber world.

In this world, information is your most powerful weapon. With your advanced hacking skills, you can access the database of citizens and uncover secrets lost in complex files. Phones, security cameras and social media accounts; all are a treasure trove of information, but also dangerous traps. One wrong move can make you a target.

A password between e-mails, a second missed by security cameras or a message hidden in the dark corners of the deep web... All these clues are pieces of a puzzle waiting to be solved. However, only your intelligence and strategic thinking skills can put this puzzle together.

In this universe where technology and the world of crime are intertwined, things are never as simple as they seem. The ethical dilemmas you will encounter at every step will force you to question: What boundaries are you ready to cross to bring criminals to justice? What if the paths you follow turn you into a criminal too?

As the tense story progresses, you will not only face the criminals but also your own inner conflicts. How far can you go to find the truth? Put together the clues, defeat the criminals and provide justice. But remember, in the digital world, your every move can be tracked... and the watcher may not always be your friend.

Are you ready to wander the sharp edges of justice and shed light on all the secrets left in the dark? Silent Signals is waiting for you.

Informace o obsahu vytvářeném AI

Jak využití obsahu vytvářeného AI v tomto produktu popisují jeho vývojáři:

In our game, AI is used to create and enhance in-game character designs

Popis obsahu pro dospělé

Jak obsah tohoto produktu popisují jeho vývojáři:

In our game, players take on the role of a detective working to capture criminals. As a result, the game includes texts, visuals, and scenes related to various crimes. There may be depictions of violence and blood that some players may find disturbing. However, scenes containing excessive blood are censored. The game does not glorify crime or criminals; on the contrary, it consistently upholds themes of justice, morality, and ethical values.

Systémové požadavky

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Paměť: 4 GB RAM
    • Pevný disk: 2 GB volného místa

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