Unaccessible is a third-person wheelchair platformer about struggling to get a health insurance claim approved on a mysterious island without accessibility ramps. Tackle stairs, climb obstacles and hop your way through the pain of the claims approval process.
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Positive (39) - 94% af de 39 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
23. jan. 2025

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Køb Unaccessible

HK$ 66.00

Køb The REMBOT Collection BUNDT (?)

Indeholder 3 emner: DJ SIMULATOR, LET ME BOOK, Unaccessible

HK$ 136.50
HK$ 95.47

Om dette spil

Unaccessible is a third-person wheelchair platformer about struggling to get a health insurance claim approved on a mysterious island. You've broken both of your legs and are wheelchair-bound. No accessibility ramps in sight.

Tackle stairs, climb obstacles and hop your way through the pain of the claims approval process.

It's a bad day to be stairs.

The fully controllable wheelchair is easy to learn but difficult to conquer. Almost every button on the controller has been utilized to create the most authentic wheelchair experience ever made. Close the skill gap and become a wheelchair master.


Follow the story of James - an unlucky man that broke both his legs in a high-speed taxi hailing accident. The driver didn't stop. Now James has to endure the truly agonizing process of filing an insurance claim... the real pain has only just begun.


Can you endure the hurdles it takes to get a claim approved? ✅

Unfolding narrative

The island's NPC's guide you each step of the way. Discover the lore of the world.

Boldly roll into the unknown

Push forward, overcome the obstacles and challenge yourself by finding skill-locked collectables and secrets. 🤫

Soothing aesthetic

Relax and unwind in a tropical, brutalist, dystopian, corporate island.

Unaccessible is a high-fidelity blast from the past. It feels like a game from yesterday, presented as a polished game of today. It's nostalgic but fresh.


  • Full Controller Support (XBox & PS5)

  • Up to 16 Person Multiplayer Steam Lobbies

  • Autosaving

  • Squeak Toggle & Audio Options

  • Speedrun Timer

  • Hats & Tassels

  • Moddable Player Skin

  • Original Soundtrack

  • Innovative Wheelchair Controls

  • Dynamic Level Design (Wacky Obstacles)

  • Soothing Aesthetic

  • Cheat Codes

  • Secrets 🤫


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: 10
    • Processor: Quad Core
    • Hukommelse: 8192 MB RAM
    • Grafik: Able to run Vulkan 1.2
    • Diskplads: 500 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem

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