This game is uniquely designed to test players' reaction time and hand-eye coordination.
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Ημ/νία κυκλοφορίας:
29 Ιαν 2025

Συνδεθείτε για να προσθέσετε αυτό το αντικείμενο στη Λίστα Επιθυμιών σας, να το ακολουθήσετε ή να το αγνοήσετε

Αγορά: Phonetics‌


Σχετικά με αυτό το παιχνίδι

This game is uniquely designed to test players' reaction time and hand-eye coordination. The game features a clean and bright interface with refreshing color schemes, creating a light-hearted and enjoyable experience. Within the game screen, there are 9 spots where black squares randomly appear. Players control a virtual hammer using the left mouse button. When a black square appears, the player must quickly click the left mouse button to make the hammer fall and hit the target accurately. If successful, the black square turns green, indicating the task is completed. The background music is cheerful and relaxing, setting a playful yet tense atmosphere for the game. As time progresses, the speed at which the squares appear increases, adding to the challenge. More than just a simple click-and-tap game, it effectively trains players' quick reaction time and decision-making speed.

Απαιτήσεις συστήματος

    • Λειτουργικό σύστημα: win 10
    • Επεξεργαστής: all can
    • Γραφικά: all can
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