Kaiva, kaiva, KAIVA! Johda maanalaista kääpiötukikohtaa ja tee heistä mahdollisimman rikkaita ennen heidän väistämätöntä turmiotaan. Osta ennen 11. toukokuuta ja säästä!
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Osta Dwarfs!?

This Edition of Dwarfs!? includes the new Free to Play edition, plus all of the modes that can be purchased separately.

ERIKOISTARJOUS! Tarjous päättyy 28. maaliskuuta

HK$ 75.00
HK$ 15.00

Tietoa pelistä

'Dwarfs!?' offers an addictive, fast paced arcade-like experience, with plenty of difficulties and game modes to play around in!
As the new overseer for your underground Dwarf base, your job is to manage the small colony and make it as rich as possible, before they meet their inevitable doom! To survive as long as possible, you’ll have to steer and guide your greedy little fellows to the richest points in the caves, while avoiding all the dangers – so they don’t end up destroying your Town Hall and its essential supply of beer.
They explore for you, they mine for you and they fight for you - but if you don't keep an eye on them, they'll do what they do best: die for you and take everyone else with them. But, if all else fails when the Spider Queen comes for you – use the Outpost’s Dwarf Cannon and shoot Dwarfs at her!
There are only 3 certainties in this world: death, taxes and that Dwarfs always dig too deep!

Key features

  • Fun for all ages and skill levels of gamers, with randomly-generated caves so the game is different every time.
  • Madly Addictive Arcade Mode: 4 difficulty levels ranging from casual to crazy hard-core, time limits from 5 minutes to endless, randomly-generated caves and all the gold and monsters you can handle!
  • Base Defense Mode: Tower Defense gameplay, except you don’t have a tower. And your Dwarfs dig the routes. Then you defend against waves of monsters!
  • Rush Mode: Can you handle Dwarfs spawning at insane rates and digging everywhere?
  • Dark Mode: This time, the only light is in the tunnels your Dwarfs dig. Spooky!
  • Campaign Challenges: Tutorials where you can learn all about being a Dwarf Overseer in a few minutes and Challenges where you can put those Overseer abilities to the ultimate test.
  • Leaderboards: Compare the size of your beard (and your scores) with your friends and the rest of the world.
  • Sandbox Mode: Create your own caves!
  • Codex: Alongside the integrated help system is the Codex – the fount of all Dwarf knowledge! Contains everything you need to know, including video tutorials for the budding Overseer.
  • Medals and Achievements: Lots and lots of shiny stuff to collect and show off to your friends!
  • Fully Integrated with Steamworks™
  • And Zombies. Not to mention goblins, skeletons, spiders, dark elves and more.


SteamOS + Linux
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows XP SP2, Vista, tai Windows 7
    • Prosessori: 1.7+ GHz tai parempi
    • Muisti: 1 Gt
    • Grafiikka: DirectX®9-yhteensopiva
    • DirectX®: DirectX®9
    • Kiintolevy: 250 Mt
    • Ääni: DirectX®9-yhteensopiva
* 1.1.24 alkaen Steam-asiakasohjelma tukee vain Windows 10:tä ja uudempia versioita.
    • OS: OS X version Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or later.
    • Processor: Intel Mac
    • Graphics: Nvidia or ATI GPU (Intel GPUs unsupported)
* 15.2.24 alkaen Steam-asiakasohjelma ei tue enää 32-bittisiä pelejä tai macOS-versiota 10.14 tai vanhempia.
    • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, fully updated
    • Processor: 1.2 GHZ or Equivalent
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia, ATI, or Intel GPU with hardware-accelerated drivers
    • Hard Drive: 250MB free hard drive space
    • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, fully updated
    • Processor: 2.4 GHZ or Equivalent
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia, ATI, or Intel GPU with hardware-accelerated drivers
    • Hard Drive: 250MB free hard drive space

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