This Co-op Shooter , has Day and Night levels, multiple maps, players will take on 25 enemy types and numerous bosses, like Gargantuan Monsters and Minibosses every 10 days as you explore, shoot and run for your life against the onslaught of porcine monstrosities.
Reseñas recientes:
Extremadamente positivas (200) - El 96 % de las 200 reseñas de los usuarios en los últimos 30 días son positivas.
Reseñas generales:
Extremadamente positivas (26,390) - El 95 % de las 26,390 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
1 FEB 2016

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“Origin Story Of Wildcat - Evan Fong”
10/10 – VanossGaming

“Farmer Felix and Farmer Jack take on the evil piggies !!”
10/10 – Jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie

“Seriously folks I'm not lying, I love this game !!”
10/10 – Markiplier !!!

End Credits Metal Music - Josh of When Evil Calls

Please Check Out - When Evil Calls on ReverbNation !!!

Up To 6 Player CO-OP

Play Up To 6 Player CO-OP with your friends, or just random people. Now featuring Horde Mode where you can play with 6 players and unlock new characters. So far in 1 month we have added many mini updates, a total of 6 characters, added in 2 new weapons, the beloved paintball gun with 4 colors, more achievements and LeaderBoards.

Recién actualizado

Newly added Crosshair Workshop, with developer mods coming soon. Create and share your own mods with other players, and subscribe to the ones you like all from inside Blood and Bacon.

Acerca de este juego

All You Need is Blood and Bacon

Blood And Bacon is a Multiplayer Shooter that pits heavily armed players against undead deadstock as you attempt to butcher your way through 100+ levels of insanity and twitching gristle. Day and night levels, players will take on 25 enemy types and numerous bosses, like the gargantuan monster affectionately named, ‘Princess Blubbergut’ and Minibosses every 10 days as you explore, shoot and run for your life against the onslaught of porcine monstrosities. The game creatively dispenses pickups through a meat grinder, from the very creatures you are killing. Ammo boxes, Adrenaline, Grenades, Rockets, and other exotic boosters. Boasting over 15+ hours of gameplay and the ability to battle a staggering (or shambling) 500+ undead creatures at once, "Blood and Bacon" looks to feature more barnyard excitement than you can shake Old MacDonald’s severed femur at !!

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and up
    • Procesador: 1.2 GHz Pentium 4 Minimum
    • Memoria: 600 MB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Shader Model 3.0, Direct3D , Hardware Acceleration
    • DirectX: Versión 10
    • Almacenamiento: 300 MB de espacio disponible
    • Tarjeta de sonido: Sound Card is Required or Virtual Sound Card
    • Notas adicionales: Supports Multiple Resolutions and AA Settings
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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