E tartalomhoz szükség van a(z) Monster Hunter: World alapjáték Steames változatára.

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Pozitív (28) - E játék 28 felhasználói értékeléséből 100% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2018. aug. 9.

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Letölthető tartalom

E tartalomhoz szükség van a(z) Monster Hunter: World alapjáték Steames változatára.

Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Poogie vásárlása

HK$ 16.00

Monster Hunter: World - DLC Collection vásárlása

48 elemet tartalmaz: Monster Hunter: World - Additional Gesture Bundle 1, Monster Hunter: World - Face Paint: Eye Shadow, Monster Hunter: World - Face Paint: Heart Shape, Monster Hunter: World - Face Paint: Shade Pattern, Monster Hunter: World - Free Gesture: Happy Hunting!, Monster Hunter: World - Free Sticker Set: Mingle Hunter, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Air Splits, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Cool Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Devil May Cry Dual Guns, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Disco Fever, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Feverish Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Gallivanting Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Hadoken!, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Hip Hop Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Interpretive Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Kneel, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Kowtow, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Passionate, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Play Possum, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Pop Star Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Shoryuken!, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Sleep, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Spin-O-Rama, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Spirit Fingers, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Squat Day, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Step Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Windmill Whirlwind, Monster Hunter: World - Hairstyle: Field Team Leader, Monster Hunter: World - Hairstyle: Provisions Manager, Monster Hunter: World - Hairstyle: The Admiral, Monster Hunter: World - Hairstyle: The Handler, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Celestial Pursuit Girls, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Classic Monsters Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Devil May Cry Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Endemic Life Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Guild Lasses, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Mega Man Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Monsters of the New World, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Poogie, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Research Commission Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Street Fighter V, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Astera 3 Star Chef Coat, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Busy Bee Dress, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Friendly Felyne Costume, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Guildmarm Costume, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Mischievous Dress, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Sunshine Pareo, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Winter Spirit Coat Kevesebb mutatása Több mutatása

Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Poogie
Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Hadoken!
Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Devil May Cry Dual Guns
Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Shoryuken!
Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Interpretive Dance
Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Gallivanting Dance

Monster Hunter: World - DLC Selection vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

38 elemet tartalmaz: Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Passionate, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Spin-O-Rama, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Air Splits, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Feverish Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Gallivanting Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Interpretive Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Play Possum, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Kowtow, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Sleep, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Kneel, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Devil May Cry Dual Guns, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Spirit Fingers, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Windmill Whirlwind, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Disco Fever, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Squat Day, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Poogie, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Guild Lasses, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Endemic Life Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Classic Monsters Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Research Commission Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Devil May Cry Set, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Mega Man Set, Monster Hunter: World - Face Paint: Shade Pattern, Monster Hunter: World - Face Paint: Heart Shape, Monster Hunter: World - Face Paint: Eye Shadow, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Guildmarm Costume, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Astera 3 Star Chef Coat, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Busy Bee Dress, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Sunshine Pareo, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Mischievous Dress, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Winter Spirit Coat, Monster Hunter: World - The Handler's Friendly Felyne Costume, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Hip Hop Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Cool Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Pop Star Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Gesture: Step Dance, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Celestial Pursuit Girls, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Monsters of the New World

HK$ 277.20

Monster Hunter: World - Additional Sticker Set Bundle 1 vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Poogie, Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Guild Lasses

HK$ 24.32

A tartalomról

Adds new stickers to Monster Hunter: World.


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: WINDOWS® 10 (64-bit required)
    • Processzor: Intel® Core™ i5 4460 or Core™ i3 9100F or AMD FX™-6300 or Ryzen™ 3 3200G
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: NVIDIA®GeForce®GTX 760 or GTX1050 or AMD Radeon™ R7 260x or RX 560
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Hálózat: Széles sávú internetkapcsolat
    • Tárhely: 52 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: DirectSound (DirectX® 9.0c or later)
    • Egyéb megjegyzések: - These specs allow for the game to be played in 1080p/30fps with graphics settings at "Low". - 64-bit processor and operating system are required.
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: WINDOWS® 10 (64-bit required)
    • Processzor: Intel® Core™ i7 3770 or Core™ i3 8350 or Core™ i3 9350F / AMD Ryzen™ 5 1500X or Ryzen™ 5 3400G
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 (VRAM 3GB) or GTX 1650 / AMD Radeon™ RX 480 or RX 570
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Hálózat: Széles sávú internetkapcsolat
    • Tárhely: 52 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: DirectSound (DirectX® 9.0c or later)
    • Egyéb megjegyzések: - These specs allow for the game to be played in 1080p/30fps with graphics settings at "High". - 64-bit processor and operating system are required. - Windows 10 (Version 1809 or later) and a 4GB VRAM GPU (graphics board or video card) are required for DirectX 12 API.

A(z) Monster Hunter: World - Sticker Set: Poogie vásárlói értékelései




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