Miasma Caves is an explorative action-adventure game. You'll explore a procedurally generated cave system hunting for treasure then try and make it back to town to restock and check in with the villagers before trying to venture deeper.
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28. feb. 2020

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Spil Miasma Caves

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Om dette spil

Miasma Caves is an explorative action-adventure featuring Lesath, a determined draconid set on saving her village, Radiant Ridge, by venturing into the local cave system to find the source of the dangerous Miasma. There are many secrets hidden in the caves, including artifacts and treasures that you can appraise to learn more about the lore, as well as secret areas to discover and explore. After a day of adventuring, you’ll bring your treasures back to town to sell so you can resupply, upgrade the village, and catch up with the locals before you head back into the depths to learn the secrets of a place long forgotten!

Miasma Caves is a single-player treasure hunting game focused on exploration through randomly generated voxel cave systems. The gameplay focuses on searching for treasures that hold lore and jokes within the cave to fund future expeditions,upgrade the town, and discover the secrets of the Miasma. The caves contain many different secrets and treasures as well as creatures. All the dangers in Miasma Caves are environmental, including cave-ins, poison gases, and time itself.

  • Explore a procedurally generated cave system
  • Environmental based dangers like cave-ins and poison gases
  • Venture strategically as your health will continuously deplete, make your way back on time!
  • Over 150 treasures to be found
  • Uncover lore and secrets of the cave through the treasure you find
  • Hidden secret areas throughout every cave
  • Randomly generated caves make for a different experience every time
  • Diggable caves
  • Encounter a variety of non-aggressive creatures


    • Styresystem *: Windows 7+
    • Processor: Intel i5
    • Hukommelse: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafik: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 550
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Diskplads: 3 GB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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