Sleepless nights. Blood, sweat and coffee. Survive your first game jam while developing a game in just under a weekend and maybe, just maybe, in the end of this all, you will find true love!
Reseñas generales:
5 reseñas de usuarios - Se necesitan más reseñas de usuarios para generar una puntuación
Fecha de lanzamiento:
31 AGO 2018

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Comprar LoveBug

¡PROMOCIÓN ESPECIAL! La oferta finaliza en

HK$ 28.00
HK$ 14.00

Comprar The Chronicles of Dark River (Kymi Collection) LOTE (?)

Incluye 6 artículos: PuckOFF, Your Royal Gayness, A Lone Piece, Lovingly Evil, LoveBug, Drunk: Relapsed

HK$ 180.50
HK$ 107.92

Acerca de este juego

LoveBug is a dating sim parody where you get the opportunity to date young game developers at a game jam. Your goal is to finish a game project in just one weekend while teaming up with a bunch of strangers and fighting bugs late into the night powered only by coffee and passion for games. Should you be spending precious development time flirting? Maybe not, but who cares as long as you have fun! Will you finish your game? Will you find love? Will you survive your first game jam? Or will game dev will be the game death of you?

LoveBug is short and sweet; it'll only take one evening to play through once and several to finish all the routes. Perfect for your busy game dev schedule! ;)

Get a glimpse into the mysterious world of game development through the eyes of a novice game designer - or if you're already a game industry veteran, enjoy a relatable game jam experience and bad game dev humor!

3 love interests: Designer-kun, Artist-chan and Coder-senpai!
Also starring Animator-senpai, Producer-san and other supporting players.
Different endings based on your choices...
Exciting battle gameplay against them mean, mean bugs!
Lots of quality game dev humor!
A gender neutral protagonist!

The story and characters are based on the life and tales of LoveBug developers' own game jam experiences and are not meant to represent the whole of game industry, which is constantly growing and developing as a community.

This game is dedicated to Xamk's Game Design degree.

Requisitos del sistema

SteamOS + Linux
    • SO *: Microsoft Windows XP or newer
    • Procesador: 1Ghz or faster processor
    • Memoria: 512 MB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Intel(R) HD Graphics or similar
    • DirectX: Versión 9.0
    • Almacenamiento: 700 MB de espacio disponible
    • Tarjeta de sonido: Any
    • Notas adicionales: The game is light and will run on most modern computers
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.
    • SO: OS X 10.5 or newer
    • Procesador: 1 Ghz
    • Memoria: 512 MB de RAM
    • Almacenamiento: 700 MB de espacio disponible
    • Notas adicionales: The game is light and will run on most modern computers
* A partir del 15 de febrero de 2024, el cliente de Steam ya no será compatible con juegos de 32 bits ni macOS 10.14 o versiones anteriores.
    • Procesador: 1 Ghz
    • Memoria: 512 MB de RAM
    • Gráficos: DirectX or OpenGL compatible card
    • Almacenamiento: 700 MB de espacio disponible
    • Notas adicionales: The game is light and will run on most modern computers

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