Beat Boxers is the world's first Rhythm-Fighting Game. In order to win, players have to attack to the beat of the music. The closer you hit to the beat, the stronger your attacks. Keep up the rhythm and outplay your opponent!
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Дата выхода:
23 окт. 2018 г.
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Many of you have asked about how to use custom music.

Click the *NEW* Instructions button on the bottom of the Composer mode page for instructions on how to do so.

Об этой игре

Beat Boxers is the world's first Rhythm-Fighting game, in which champions from the world's best musical genres battle it out their quest to win over the crowd and steal the spotlight. The idea is to feel like you are not only in a fight but in a performance. It's not just fighting to the music, its fighting WITH the music and using it to 'beat' your opponent. In this one-on-one contest of skill, players prove which musician reigns supreme on stage!!

The closer you hit to the beat of the song, the stronger your attacks, blocks, and throws. Keep up the rhythm and out-maneuver your opponent. Who ever pleases the crowd and fills the performance meter first wins!

You can also import your own songs and play to the music.

Системные требования

    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС *: Win 7 x64
    • Процессор: Core 2 Duo E4400 2.0Ghz
    • Видеокарта: Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ or GeForce GT 520 --- REQUIRES DEDICATED GRAPHICS CARD
    • DirectX: версии 11
    • Дополнительно: For optimal experience use headphones.
    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
* С 1 января 2024 года клиент Steam будет поддерживать только Windows 10 и более поздние версии.

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