Embark on a challenging journey through life as you master the art of paper plane flight.
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6 Agu 2021

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Beli Lifeslide

Beli Lifeslide + Original Soundtrack Bundle BUNDEL (?)

Terdiri dari 2 item: Lifeslide, Lifeslide Soundtrack

HK$ 67.50

Tentang Game Ini

Lifeslide may seem like a casual, relaxing game but under the serene visuals hides a flight mechanic that requires skill. A lot of skill. Prepare to fail and retry multiple times in the beginning. Learn how to gather and preserve your momentum, use the terrain to your advantage and react quickly. For those who get the hang of it, a beautiful and satisfying experience awaits.


Up, Down, Left, Right - is all that's needed to fly a paper plane. Beneath the simple controls, however is a blend between physics and arcade gameplay that will get under your skin as you get better. Every time you fail, you can improve your plane's performance.


Lifeslide is a story about life. Who's life and what it means we are leaving to you. Everything is implicitly told through the environments. Dive deep to find your meaning or simply enjoy an atmospheric experience - this is your journey and you decide what to make of it. Along the way, an original score that combines electronic, rock and orchestral elements will keep you company.

Competitive play

Don't believe that this game can get competitive? Each week a new challenge emerges, requiring players to fly fast and close to objects. How fast you can fly depends only on your skill. Lifeslide also has a speedrun mode with leaderboards.

Zen Mode

Revisit your favorite moments in an endless loop. Toggle randomization to get new experiences unseen in Story. This mode is for those who are looking to drift off and relax without pressure.

Passionate Community

Lifeslide has a small but passionate community which is always ready for a challenge.

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS *: Win 7, 8, 10, 32bit or 64bit
    • Prosesor: 3 GHz Dual Core CPU
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafis: GeForce GTX 560, AMD HD 6870
    • DirectX: Versi 9.0
    • Penyimpanan: 3 GB ruang tersedia
    • OS *: Win 7, 8, 10, 32bit or 64bit
    • Prosesor: 3GHz Quad Core CPU
    • Grafis: GeForce GTX 660TI, AMD HD 7800 series
    • DirectX: Versi 11
    • Penyimpanan: 3 GB ruang tersedia
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.

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