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This game is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will we be held liable for any damages arising from the use of it.
If you purchased the Extended Scythe Cut or any other addons, you agree not to copy, send or share any of the paid content with anyone besides yourself. Please support us and don't pirate it :)
This game may also send some anonymous, non-personally-identifying information about your playthrough to our website for the Online Stats feature to work. It's just game data, nothing more (we *don't* collect your system specs or anything like that!)
If you purchased the Extended Scythe Cut or any other addons, you agree not to copy, send or share any of the paid content with anyone besides yourself. Please support us and don't pirate it :)
This game may also send some anonymous, non-personally-identifying information about your playthrough to our website for the Online Stats feature to work. It's just game data, nothing more (we *don't* collect your system specs or anything like that!)