x10 The Warping Seeker (-20%)

The Warping Seeker
Increases by 5 times player's chance of getting a chest drop. The item affects EVERY PLAYER in the current session.

This item can be used in custom single-player and multiplayer sessions; it cannot be used in ranked or tournament sessions.
The item needs to be activated by the player who creates the session.
Number of uses: 1.
This item is not tradable; once purchased, cannot be re-sold or exchanged.

This interesting machine warps space and time in such a way that you will never have to search for treasure. Instead, the treasure will search for you!
HK$ 31.20
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Gjelder for gjenstanden etter kjøp:
  • denne gjenstanden betraktes som en «gjenstand i et spill» i vilkårene for tilbudet om Steam-refusjoner