Change song and CD information in iTunes on PC
If you’re connected to the internet when you insert a CD into your disc drive, iTunes automatically retrieves information about the CD and the songs on it. When you import the CD into your library, the retrieved information is imported with it. iTunes retrieves CD information from the Gracenote media database.
You can also enter CD and song information into iTunes yourself, or change the information that was retrieved. Information about each item in your iTunes library is stored in the item’s Info window.
Change the name of the song, artist or album
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose Music from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Library.
If you can’t see Music in the pop-up menu, you need to use the Apple Music app
you installed on your device. See the Apple Music User Guide for Windows for more details.
Select Songs in the sidebar.
Select the item, then choose Edit > Song Info.
If no information appears in the Info window, you can look up CD information in the Gracenote media database or send CD information to Gracenote. See If you can’t see songs.
Type the new information, then press Enter.
Change song or CD information
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose Music from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Library.
If you can’t see Music in the pop-up menu, you need to use the Apple Music app
you installed on your device. See the Apple Music User Guide for Windows for more details.
To change CD information, insert an audio CD into your computer’s CD or DVD drive, or into an external drive that’s connected to your computer.
If you can’t see information for the CD, click
near the top left of the iTunes window.
Do one of the following:
Change the CD name: Select the album name at the top of the screen, type a new name, then press Enter.
Change the song name: Select the song, choose Edit > [Item] Info (or press Control-I), click Details, make your changes, then press Enter.
Tip: If you’re changing the same information (for example, the genre) for multiple items, you can select all the items and change the information for them at the same time.
Change information without changing the files on your hard disk
By default, changing information for an item in iTunes also changes the file’s name on your hard disk. You might not want filenames to change if, for example, the files are used by other apps on your computer.
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose Edit > Preferences, click Advanced, then deselect “Keep iTunes Media folder organised”.
Tips for using song and CD info to organise your music
You can edit information in the Info window to make it easier to find and sort items in your library. For example, you can:
Group individual movements on a classical CD into one work by indicating the name of the work (for example, “Piano concerto in A Minor, Op. 54”) in the Grouping field.
Group songs that are part of a compilation together in your library by clicking Details and then selecting the tickbox next to “Album is a compilation of songs by various artists”.
Identify the individual artists on a tribute album in the Artist field, and type “various” in the Album Artist field.
Create your own genre category by clicking Details and typing the category in the Genre field.
Change the order in which tracks on a CD play by changing the numbers in the Track fields.
Create a Smart Playlist that includes only songs that are just the right speed for your workout by typing the number of beats per minute in the BPM field. For instructions, see Create a Smart Playlist.
Identify a movie as a music video (click Options, then choose Music Video from the Media Kind pop-up menu).
Identify an item that you imported from a CD as an audiobook, so it appears below Audiobooks instead of Music (click Options, then choose Audiobook from the Media Kind pop-up menu). If you do this, iTunes also remembers your place in the audiobook.
Enter custom sorting criteria for an item. Select the item, choose Edit > [Item] Info, click Sorting, then enter the custom text.