Delete photos on your iPhone or iPad
You can delete a single photo or video, or delete multiple images at once. You can also recover anything in Recently Deleted within 30 days.
Before you delete
Make sure you back up the photos and videos you still want. When you use iCloud Photos and delete a photo or video on one device, it will be deleted on all other devices where you’re signed in with the same Apple Account. Find out how to delete photos and videos in iCloud Photos.
To see how much storage you have left on your device, go to Settings > General > [Device] Storage. Find out more about managing your device photo storage.
Delete photos or videos
When you delete photos and videos, they're sent to your Recently Deleted album for 30 days. After 30 days, they'll be deleted permanently.
If you use iCloud Photos and delete photos and videos from one device, the photos and videos will be deleted on your other devices.
If you add photos to your iPhone or iPad by connecting your device to your computer, you can't delete them directly from your device in the Photos app. If the stop syncing photos from your computer.
is grey when you try to delete a photo from your iPhone or iPad, you may need to stop syncing photos from your computer. Find out how toHow to delete a single photo

Open Photos.
Select the photo or video you want to delete.
Tap the
, then tap Delete Photo.
How to delete multiple photos

Open Photos.
Tap Select, then tap multiple photos or slide your finger across multiple photos to select more than one.
Tap the
, then confirm to delete the items.
In iOS 16.1, iPadOS 16.1 and later, you can start an iCloud Shared Photo Library Anyone can delete, add or edit items in the Shared Library. If someone else deletes a photo or video from the Shared Library, it no longer appears for you, either. Only the person who added the photo or video to the Shared Library can permanently delete or recover it from the Recently Deleted folder. You have 30 days to get a photo or video back from your Recently Deleted album.
Delete duplicate photos and videos
Open Photos.
Swipe up, then tap the Duplicates album under Utilities.
Tap Merge to combine a set of duplicates. To merge multiple sets or all duplicates, tap Select, tap Select on each set or tap Select All, then tap Merge.
Tap Merge [Number] Items to confirm.
When you merge duplicate photos, your phone combines the highest image quality and relevant data to keep one photo in your library. The other duplicate photos move to your Recently Deleted album.
The Duplicates album is available on iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1 and later. The duplicates detection process happens automatically and may take some time.
Recover deleted photos or videos
Open Photos.
Swipe up, then tap the Recently Deleted album under Utilities.
In iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1 or later, tap View Album, then use Face ID or Touch ID to unlock your Recently Deleted album.
Tap Select, then select the photo or video you want to keep.
, then tap Recover. If you want to recover all of the photos and videos in the album, tap Recover All.Tap Recover to confirm.
If you delete a photo or video accidentally, you'll have 30 days to get it back from your Recently Deleted album. When you recover photos and videos, they'll appear back in your Library.
Find out what to do if you’re missing a photo or video
Make the Recently Deleted album unlocked by default
Open the Settings app.
Tap Apps, then tap Photos.
Turn off Use Face ID.
In iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1 or later, Face ID or Touch ID is required to view the Hidden and Recently Deleted albums by default. If you turn off Use Face ID, the Hidden album will also be unlocked by default. Find out how to hide your photos.
Delete photos permanently
Open Photos.
Swipe up, then tap the Recently Deleted album under Utilities.
In iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1 or later, tap View Album, then use Face ID or Touch ID to unlock your Recently Deleted album.
Tap Select, then select the photo or video you want to delete. If you want to delete all the photos and videos in the album, tap Cancel, then tap Select again.
Tap the
, then tap Delete or Delete All.Tap Delete from All Devices or Delete Photos I Added to confirm.
When you delete a photo or video from this album, you can't get it back.