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iMovie Plug-in Pack 2.1.1 for Mac OS X: Information and Download

System Requirements:

  • iMovie 2.1 or iMovie 2.1.1

File Size: 480 KB


This article contains a software link for the iMovie Plug-in Pack 2.1.1 for Mac OS X.


: These plug-ins are already included with iMovie 3. There is no need to download and install these plug-ins if you are using iMovie 3.

Installing iMovie Plugin Pack 2.1

The iMovie Plugin Pack 2.1 contains a set of effects, transitions, and titles that you can add to iMovie for Mac OS X.


: This version of the iMovie Plugin Pack is only for use with iMovie for Mac OS X and cannot be used with iMovie on any previous version of the Mac OS.


: For installation instruction for Mac OS X v10.1.x, see iMovie 2 for Mac OS X v10.1.x: How to Install Additional Plug-Ins.

Installing the iMovie Plugin Pack 2.1

If you have iMovie version 2.1.1, do the following:

  1. Quit iMovie, if it is open.

  2. On your Mac OS X hard disk, open the Library folder inside your Home folder.

  3. If no iMovie folder already exists inside the Library folder, choose New Folder from the File menu and create a new folder inside the Library folder. Name the new folder iMovie.

  4. Open the iMovie folder. If no Plug-ins folder already exists inside the iMovie folder, choose New Folder from the File menu and create a new folder inside the iMovie folder. Name the new folder Plug-ins.

  5. Drag the "iMovie Plugin Pack 2.1" folder into the Plug-ins folder.

  6. Restart iMovie.

If you have iMovie version 2.1, do the following:

  1. Quit iMovie, if it is open.

  2. On your hard disk, open the Plugins folder. Depending on where you installed iMovie, the path to the Plugins folder is either this: Applications/iMovie for Mac OS X/Resources/Plugins or this: Applications/iMovie for Mac OS X/iMovie/Resources/Plugins

  3. Drag the "iMovie Plugin Pack 2.1" folder into the Plugins folder.

  4. Restart iMovie.

If you do not have sufficient privileges to drag the "iMovie Plugin Pack 2.1" folder to the Plug-ins folder, log out and log back in as the administrator of your Mac OS X computer. (The administrator's name is listed in the Users pane of System Preferences. For more information, see "Working as an administrator" in Mac Help.)

When you restart iMovie, the new Plugins (Effects, Transitions, and Titles) will be available.

The iMovie Plugin Pack 2.1 includes the following new effects, transitions, and titles:



Ghost Trails


Mirror Advanced



Circle Closing

Circle Opening


Warp In

Warp Out

Wash In

Wash Out



Subtitle Multiple


Zoom Multiple

Earlier versions of this software may be available at

For help with downloading, see Software downloads: Formats and common error messages.

All software available from this site is covered by a software license agreement included with this software.

Keywords: kimovie kaswu kbdload kmosX

Supported Languages:  Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, 日本語
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