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Some transport functions are only accessible from shortcut menus. Both the Stop/Go to Beginning button and the Play button in the control bar have shortcut menus with additional transport functions.
In Logic Pro, Control-click the Stop/Go to Beginning button in the control bar.
Choose any of the following items from the shortcut menu:
Stop: Stops project playback.
Stop and Go to Left Locator: Stops playback. The playhead moves to the left locator position.
Stop and Go to Last Locate Position: Stops playback. The playhead moves to the last locate position.
Jump Between Marquee and Project Start: Moves the playhead back and forth between the marquee start position and the project start position, when Logic Pro is stopped. Applies only if there is an active marquee selection.
Jump Between Cycle and Project Start: Moves the playhead back and forth between the cycle area start position and the project start position, when Logic Pro is stopped. Applies only if there is an active cycle area.
Jump Between Selected Region and Project Start: Moves the playhead back and forth between the start position of the first selected region and the project start position, when Logic Pro is stopped. Applies only if a region or folder is selected.
Jump Between Last Locate Position and Project Start: Moves the playhead back and forth between the last locate position and the project start position, when Logic Pro is stopped.
In Logic Pro, Control-click the Play button in the control bar.
Choose any of the following items from the shortcut menu:
Play From Marquee Selection: Starts playback within a marquee selection. Playback stops at the end of the selection unless Cycle mode is on.
Play From Cycle: Starts playback from the left locator position when Cycle mode is on.
Play From Selected Region: Starts playback from the start of the first selected region.
Play From Last Locate Position: Starts playback from the last playhead position.