Upgrading TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns to Video view campaigns

To help you efficiently and effectively drive consideration, we’re evolving TrueView In-stream and In-feed to Video view campaigns (VVC) powered by Google AI. You can upgrade your TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns to Video view campaigns using the new copy and paste function. As part of the upgrade, campaigns that are opted-out of YouTube Search will be updated to include those networks.

Once the upgrade is completed, you will have new Video view campaigns that have the same settings as your TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns; you can continue to make edit of your TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns or pause/delete them and only use the Video view campaigns created from the upgrade going forward.

Differences between Video View campaigns and TrueView In-stream campaigns and In-feed for Consideration campaigns

  • Ad formats: Video view campaigns include a mix of skippable in-stream ads, in-feed video ads, and short ads within one campaign and use responsive ad groups, while TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns only include skippable in-stream ads and in-feed ads respectively.
  • Bid type: Video view campaign uses target cost per view (CPV); with target CPV, you set the average amount that you're willing to pay for each view that your campaign receives. TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration use maximum cost per view (Maximum CPV); with Maximum CPV, you set the highest amount that you’re willing to pay for each view that your campaign receives.
  • Ad assets: For Video view campaigns , you have to use long headlines and descriptions for your ad (compared to the ad assets that come with skippable in-stream ads). When upgrading your TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns to Video view campaigns you will have to provide the long headlines and descriptions.
  • Viewpoint on feed: While In-feed for Consideration campaigns only count clicks on the ad as a view, VVC in-feed format also counts inline muted 10s playback as a view.

How to upgrade existing TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns to Video view campaigns

If you want to run new Video view campaigns with the same settings as your TrueView TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns, you can copy existing TrueView TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns and paste them as Video view campaigns.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Campaigns.
  4. Click the filter button Filter above the statistics table.
  5. Add the appropriate filters to find the TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns to be upgraded:
    • Campaign type: Video
    • Bid strategy type: Manual CPV
  6. Click Apply. The table updates to show campaigns that match your filters. Above criteria will show both TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns
  7. Check the box next to each campaign that you want to upgrade.
  8. From the "Edit" drop-down menu, select Copy.
  9. Open the "Edit" drop-down menu again, and select Paste. A paste menu appears above the statistics table.
  10. Select “Change video ads to multi-format ads (responsive ads)”
    • Note: Hover over the X campaign to see the campaigns eligible for the upgrade. Copy-pasting from TrueView In-stream campaigns and In-feed for Consideration campaigns to Video view campaigns only applies to TrueView In-stream campaigns and In-feed for Consideration campaigns. If you have other campaigns selected, the upgrade will only apply to the TrueView In-stream campaigns and In-feed for Consideration campaigns selected.
  11. Enter headline and description for the ads
    • Note: If you have multiple ads, they will all use the same headline and description you enter here. If you wish to use different headlines and/or descriptions for each ad, please modify them after the upgrade is complete by editing the ads in the newly created Video view campaign. You can find the newly created Video view campaign by following instruction 13.
  12. Click Paste. A new Video view campaign with responsive video ads is created and a confirmation message that says "Your changes have been made" appears at the bottom of your window.
  13. To locate the newly created Video view campaigns, navigate to the "Campaigns" table in Google Ads. The newly created campaigns are labeled with "Copied as multi-format (responsive)" under the "Label" column in the "Campaigns" table. You can use the filter button Filter to search for specific campaigns by their label name.
    • We recommend removing the label after you are done with the copy-pasting and editing.
  14. Remember to pause or remove the original TrueView In-stream and In-feed for Consideration campaigns from which you pasted into Video View campaigns.

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