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Queen's University Belfast

Queen’s University Belfast is a member of the Russell Group UK research-intensive universities, providing world-class education underpinned by world-class research. Founded as Queen’s College in 1845, it became a university in its own right in 1908. Today, it is an international centre of research and education, with a student-centred ethos, rooted at the heart of Northern Ireland.

The University has won the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education on seven occasions - the most recent being for world-class achievement in Shared Education and global cyber security. Cancer Services, world-class achievement in green chemistry, environmental research, palaeoecology and law have received the Award. The University has also been honoured by Northern Ireland’s first Regius Professorship, awarded by Her Majesty The Queen for excellence in electronics and computer engineering. Queen’s is ranked 22nd in the world for international outlook (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020) and ranked ninth in the world for research collaboration, Queen’s is globally connected and networked with strategic partnerships across the world.

The University is ranked number one in the UK for commercialising research (Octopus Venues 2019) and for its participation in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP). With more than 24,000 students and 4,200 staff, it is a dynamic and diverse institution, a magnet for inward investment, a patron of the arts and a global player in areas ranging from cancer studies to sustainability, and from pharmaceuticals to creative writing.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 650 articles

Alexander Dubrovsky

Apakah kucing bisa berduka?

Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kucing menjadi tertekan dan menginginkan lebih banyak perhatian ketika ada hewan peliharaan lain yang mati.
Embora gostemos de pensar que nosso bichano ficaria triste com a nossa morte, no momento, simplesmente não sabemos. Parece haver pouca ou nenhuma pesquisa sobre como os gatos e outros animais domésticos reagem ao falecimento de quem os cria. Alexander Dubrovsky

Gatos e outros animais sofrem com o luto? Saiba o que se sabe até agora sobre isso

Pesquisas demonstraram que os gatos ficam angustiados e querem mais atenção quando um animal de estimação morre.
Alexander Dubrovsky

Do cats grieve?

Research has shown cats become distressed and want more attention when a fellow pet dies.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer speaks during the debate on the King’s Speech in the House of Commons. PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

King’s speech lays out plans to reform Britain’s political system: experts react

Academic experts explain the political reforms in the king’s speech.
A vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos está no centro das atenções políticas à medida que se intensificam os apelos para que Biden desista da corrida presidencial. Rod Lamkey/EPA

Kamala Harris: a principal opção democrata caso Biden se afaste da campanha

A vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos, Kamala Harris, está no centro das atenções políticas à medida que se intensificam os apelos para que Biden desista da corrida presidencial.
Originalmente solitários, os gatos se domesticaram ao conviver com os humanos, e nesse processo uma das adaptações mais visíveis foi a modificação de suas vocalizações. Em outras palavras: eles miam para provocar nossa sensibilidade e nos fazer alimentá-los. Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Por que os gatos miam mais para os humanos do que uns para os outros

Conheça a razão evolutiva pela qual é tão difícil ignorar um gato nos pedindo comida


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