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Immaculate A

19 Jul, 2024
1 hr 28 mins
Critic's Rating
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Despite its compelling premise and strong performances, particularly from Sweeney, ‘Immaculate’ ultimately falls short.
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Immaculate Movie Review : Promising but flawed

Critic's Rating: 3.5/5
Story: As a young nun tries to fit into an Italian convent, she uncovers the dark secrets of her new surroundings amidst the unsettling behaviour of its nuns and priests.

Review: ‘Immaculate’ begins with Cecilia (Sydney Sweeney) arriving at Our Lady of Sorrows, an ancient Italian convent, to take her vows. The convent, which serves as a home for elderly and terminally ill nuns, soon reveals itself to be a place shrouded in secrecy and strange events. Armed with faith and determination, Cecilia navigates the eerie environment while developing a bond with the convent's head priest, Father Sal Tedeschi (Álvaro Morte) and sister Mary (Simona Tabasco). However, she is soon trapped in mysterious circumstances that spark questions of divine intervention and sinister machinations.

Visually, ‘Immaculate’ is a treat. The film's aesthetic nods to Italian exploitation cinema, with rich production design and atmospheric cinematography by Elisha Christian. The nostalgic musical score by Will Bates complements the film's gothic ambience, drawing viewers into its unsettling world. These elements are reminiscent of classics like ‘Dark Waters’ and ‘Suspiria,’ and add depth to the overall presentation. However, while director Michael Mohan promises a film that delves into themes of faith, autonomy, and religious hypocrisy, the film's pacing and script are significant drawbacks. The first two-thirds of ‘Immaculate’ are sluggish, lacking the momentum to engage viewers fully. This slow build-up is compounded by a script that gestures towards deeper themes without fully exploring them. Issues like bodily autonomy and religious hypocrisy are touched upon but remain underdeveloped, leaving the film feeling thematically hollow.

The climax of ‘Immaculate’ is where the film shines, delivering a confrontational and transgressive finale that is both provocative and satisfying. Yet, this strong ending cannot wholly compensate for the preceding hour and a half, which struggles to maintain a cohesive and compelling narrative. Sweeney’s performance is a highlight, showcasing her versatility and commitment to the role. Her portrayal of Cecilia is nuanced and powerful, elevating the film even in its weaker moments. The supporting cast, including Simona Tabasco, also delivers commendable performances, though Álvaro Morte’s character suffers from weak writing, limiting his impact. For horror enthusiasts and fans of Sweeney, ‘Immaculate’ offers enough to warrant a viewing, but it ultimately leaves one wishing for a more cohesive and daring execution. Inconsistent pacing, an underdeveloped script, and reliance on familiar tropes prevent it from reaching its full potential.

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