Allu Arjun’s residence in Hyderabad was attacked by a group of individuals on Sunday (December 22), who identified themselves as members of the Osmania University Joint Action Committee (OU JAC). According to reports, the vandals, protesting in connection to the stampede incident that occurred during the actor's visit to the Sandhya Theatre for the premiere of 'Pushpa 2: The Rule', allegedly demanded Rs 1 crore from Arjun for the family of the victim, Revathi. Now, the actor's father, producer Allu Aravind, has shared his first official statement to the media regarding the attack.
According to Hindustan Times, speaking from the family’s home in Jubilee Hills, Aravind said, “Everyone has seen what happened at our house today. But it is time for us to act accordingly. Now is not the right time for us to react to anything.”
Aravind also updated the press on the situation involving law enforcement, revealing that the offenders had been detained by the police. He further clarified, “The police have taken in the offenders and filed a case against them. The police are ready to arrest anyone else who comes here to create a ruckus. No one should encourage incidents like these.”
While avoiding a reaction to the incident, Aravind reiterated, “But I will not react just because the media is here. Now is the time to practise restraint. The law will take its own course.”
The protestors, frustrated by the tragic death of female fan Revathi, caused significant disruption by damaging flower pots and throwing tomatoes as well as stones at the house. A protester, speaking to the media, demanded that Allu should provide support to Revathi’s family, the victim of the stampede. They questioned why so many film personalities visited Arjun when he was released from jail but failed to show concern for the woman who died. Meanwhile, to ensure their safety, Arjun’s children, Ahaan and Arha, were sent to their maternal uncle's house during the disturbance.
The tragic chain of events began on December 4 ,when Arjun visited the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. The gathering caused a stampede, which led to the death of Revathi and left her young son critically injured. Arjun was subsequently arrested on December 13 and granted interim bail by the High Court on December 14.
Further complicating matters, Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy made new accusations, suggesting that Arjun was aware of the fatal incident while still at the theatre. The police in Telangana have supported this claim, though Arjun maintains that he learned of the death only the following day.
In the interrogation, the police asked Allu Arjun the, “Were you aware of the theatre situation?” and further probed, “Do you have a copy of the permission?"
Meanwhile the Allu Arjun starrer has now crossed Rs 1500 crores at the box office. ETimes review for the movie reads, "Director Sukumar’s brilliance shines through in Pushpa 2: The Rule. He masterfully balances a mass entertainer with a film rich in social commentary, weaving layers of emotion, action, and intrigue into a compelling cinematic experience. Despite the extensive runtime of 3 hours and 20 minutes, the film keeps its audience riveted with a mix of high-octane sequences, character-driven moments, and a poignant emotional arc."
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