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  • 'Party does not feel ... ’: BJD MP Mamata Mohanta resigns from Rajya Sabha and party

'Party does not feel ... ’: BJD MP Mamata Mohanta resigns from Rajya Sabha and party

'Party does not feel ... ’: BJD MP Mamata Mohanta resigns from Rajya Sabha and party
Mamata Mohanta (Mamata Mohanta X account)
NEW DELHI: Biju Janata Dal (BJD) MP Mamata Mohanta resigned from her position as Rajya Sabha member and from the primary membership of the party on Wednesday. The Rajya Sabha strength of BJD has been now reduced to 8.
“That party (BJD) does not feel the need for my services today. Since I am a leader of the people and their service is my main duty, I did not feel the need to be in that party.
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That's why I resigned from the primary membership of Biju Janata Dal and the post of Rajya Sabha member,” said Mamata Mohanta.
Mohanta submitted her resignation letter to Rajya Sabhya chairman Jagdeep Dhankar.
Her resignation has added to the speculations that she might join the BJP anytime soon.
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