What is valley fever, fungal infection that led to hospitalisation of California music fest attendees? Signs and symptoms explained

Health officials advised attendees of the Lightning in a Bottle festival in Kern County to watch for symptoms like fever and respiratory discomfort after identifying five cases of Valley Fever, with three hospitalizations. Valley Fever, common in California's San Joaquin Valley, can spread through inhaling dust containing fungal spores. Preventative measures include wearing N95 masks and avoiding dust exposure.
What is valley fever, fungal infection that led to hospitalisation of California music fest attendees? Signs and symptoms explained
People who attended the Kern County music festival 'Lightning in a Bottle' have been advised to watch out for symptoms like fever and respiratory discomfort after health authorities identified five cases of fungal infection Valley Fever in those present at the event. Three out of these five cases have been hospitalized. More than 20,000 people attended the six-day festival (May 22-27).

In a new release, California Department of Public Health has advised caution to all the festival attendees and contact a healthcare provider in event of respiratory symptoms like cough, fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing and chest pain which could be symptoms of valley fever.

What is valley fever

Valley fever is a fungal disease which is common in San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast of California. Also known as coccidioidomycosis or 'cocci', it is caused by a fungus that grows in the soil and dirt. Valley fever gets its name from San Joaquin Valley in California.
Breathing in dust containing valley fever fungus can infect lungs of people or animals. Cough, fever, chest pain, and tiredness are usually reported. Inhaling spores of certain fungi that live in soil can cause this disease. IT has been detected in parts of Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, California, Texas and Washington.

Valley fever cases have been on rise in California in recent years. Between 2018–2022, around 7,000 and 9,000 cases were reported each year.

Symptoms of valley fever

Fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, chills, night sweats, joint aches, muscle soreness, spotty rash are common symptoms of valley fever.

Is valley fever fatal?

Valley fever is seldom fatal and only 1 % of those infected die from it. Many a time, it's without symptoms or shows flu-like symptoms. In rare cases, it can progress to severe disease.
Many times the initial infection doesn't resolve and acquires the chronic form of pneumonia. The symptoms could include low-grade fever, weight loss, cough, chest pain, blood-tinged sputum and nodules in the lungs.
The most severe form of the infection is disseminated coccidioidomycosis where infection spreads to other parts of the body - skin, bones, liver, brain, heart, and the membranes that protect brain and spinal cord (meninges), and is no longer restricted to lungs.
Nodules, ulcers, painful lesions in the skull, painful and swollen joints, especially in the knees or ankles, and meningitis, an infection of the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

Prevention of valley fever

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Here're preventive tips for valley fever you must keep in mind:
- In areas where valley fever is common, and they are exposed to a lot of dirt and dust, an N95 mask must be used to prevent exposing your body to fungal spores.
- When you are indoors, you must keep your doors and windows closed during dust storms.
- Avoid exposure to dust through activities like gardening and digging.
- Air filters can be used at homes.

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