Psychology secrets: What people's actions reveal about them

​Surprising psychological secrets about people

​Surprising psychological secrets about people

People's behaviour can reveal a lot about their personality, past experiences, and current challenges or abilities. By observing how people act, you can gain valuable insights into who they are. To help you understand this intriguing topic better, we’ve curated some of the most surprising psychological insights about people.
by TOI Lifestyle Desk
​Sleeping too much

​Sleeping too much

If a person sleeps excessively but still feels constantly tired, it may suggest they are struggling with significant emotional issues, such as deep unhappiness or depression. People often use sleep as a way to avoid facing their problems and emotions, finding temporary relief. This behaviour can show a lack of mental or physical energy and motivation, making it difficult for them to maintain a daily routine and engage in everyday activities.
​Crying over small things

​Crying over small things

People who cry easily over small things are often very sensitive and empathetic. They deeply feel both their own and others' emotions. This strong emotional response demonstrates their ability to care and show compassion, showing they genuinely care about others and have a good understanding of their own feelings.

​Laughing a lot

​Laughing a lot

Laughing is usually a sign of happiness, fun, and positive emotions. However, frequent laughter, even over things that aren't very funny, can sometimes cover loneliness and deep emotional pain. People who have experienced significant challenges and emotional pain often develop a strong sense of humour as a way to cope. They may use humour to hide their true feelings and manage the deeper issues they are dealing with.

​Lying frequently

​Lying frequently

A person who lies frequently isn’t necessarily bad; they may be dealing with deep insecurity, lack of confidence and self-doubt. They might lie to improve their image, cover up their true situation, or avoid facing their own fears and feelings of insufficiency. This behaviour can be a result of their childhood experiences, such as bullying or constant judgment, where lying became a defense mechanism to protect themselves from more criticism.

​Talking very little

​Talking very little

People who talk very little and take time to warm up to others, often seeming reserved or unfriendly, are often seen as mentally strong and self-aware. They are immensely confident, unafraid of people or situations, and prefer to think deeply before speaking. They value meaningful conversation over small talk, and their reserved nature often demonstrates self-discipline and a thoughtful approach to communication.
