Dec 20, 2024
Keeping an aquarium is not only a responsibility, but also a fulfilling hobby. If you are new to this, here we list 10 beginner friendly beautiful freshwater fish for home aquariums.
These beautiful fishes are known for their vibrant colors and long-flowing fins. They are low-maintenance and territorial fishes, and hence should be kept with other peeaceful fish species.
Neon tetras are tiny, brightly coloured grouping fish and hence should be kept in a group of 6-8. They are peaceful and easy to care for which makes them suitable for community tanks.
One of the most common aquarium fish, Guppies come in a variety of vibrant colours and beautiful patterns. They are hardy, and are suitable for beginners.
Zebra danios are vibrant coloured, hardy and active grouping fish. They should be kept in a group of 8 or more fishes and should have ample space to swim.
Platies are peaceful fishes and they are available in many colours. They are easy to breed and to take care of.
Corydoras catfish are peaceful bottom-dwelling fish. They help in keeping the tank clean by eating up all the left-over food. They are grouping fishes and should be kept in a group of eight or more.
Brightly red coloured Cherry Barbs are peaceful and hardy fishes, which makes them a great choice for beginners
One of the most common aquarium fish, the Mollies are hardy, and they come in a variety of colours and sizes.
Swordtails are named so due to their unique tail shape. These are hardy, peaceful fish and they are easy to care for.
Harlequin Rasboras are peaceful grouping fish. They have a striking black marking which adds to their beauty.
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