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About us

Bouygues Turkmen is an integral part of Bouygues Construction and a subsidiary of Bouygues Bâtiment International. Bouygues Turkmen has been operating in Turkmenistan since 1994, demonstrating its skills in the field of construction, development, innovation, and technical support. The first project of Bouygues Turkmen was signed in January 1994 for the construction of a mosque in Geokdepe. With profound knowledge and experience in carrying out a full cycle of construction works and having built more than 70 projects; Bouygues Turkmen has become a privileged partner of the country in the construction of administrative buildings.

Company size
201-500 employees
Public Company


Employees at Bouygues Turkmen


  • MEP systems transform buildings from empty spaces into comfortable, welcoming, and livable environments. As part of the ongoing project, significant electrical installation work has been completed, ensuring the smooth operation of the building. ✔️ 8000 kVA of installed power on the main power transformers ✔️ 4400 kVA backup generator capacity ✔️ Over 100 electrical panels with more than 4,000 circuit breakers ✔️ Total cable length of over 700 kilometers, including 100 kilometers of cat.6A cable ✔️ The total weight of copper wiring is over 110 tons ✔️ More than 1,700 kVA installed in uninterruptible power supply ✔️ Over 3,500 outlets and lighting fixtures ✔️ More than 400 emergency lights ✔️ LED strip lighting over 4 kilometers in length ✔️ Around 200kW of internal lighting fixtures installed, and around 100kW in exterior and façade lighting ✔️ Public address system has over 500 speakers, and the loop cable length is over 20 meters ✔️ The fire detection system consists of more than 2,000 devices, connected by more than 50 kilometers of cables Bouygues Turkmen #buildingforlife #ongoingproject #MEPteam #MEPsystems #efficientandsustainablestructure

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  • A Harmonious Fusion for the Future 💞 The beauty of this project lies in its ability to merge the old and the new in a way that feels completely natural. By creating a dialogue between traditional décor and modern convenience, the design offers the best of both worlds. It reflects the values of generations while making sure that the space is fully equipped for modern use, providing an optimal environment for comfort and convenience. A key part of this delicate balance, lies in the décor, where techniques like "floating" drawing, and frescoes play an essential role in conveying the beauty of national motifs, maintaining the continuity of generations, and ensuring the “tradition of form” is not interrupted. Colors like earthy beige, golden yellows, and rich browns create an inviting and cozy atmosphere, connecting the space to natural surroundings and traditional craftsmanship. These hues not only evoke a sense of history but also bring warmth to interior, making the space feel both grounded and welcoming. Bouygues Turkmen #ongoingproject

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  • Skills, professional integrity and state of mind – these are the hallmarks of the Order of Minorange! More than 60 years ago, the “Ordre des Compagnons du Minorange”, a pioneering and groundbreaking initiative, was a significant development for the construction industry.  By recognizing and honoring outstanding performers, the program helped to retain employees and provided them with stability and security in their positions. This, in turn, fostered a sense of pride in the profession and contributed to the overall success of Bouygues Group. At Bouygues Turkmen, we are very proud to have Minorange Ambassadors who exemplify our corporate values and continuously uphold our commitment to safety, ethical conduct, and environmental responsibility on a daily basis. #bouygues #tkm #minorange #kopetdagguild #ambasadors

  • Thousands of trees and 40,000 of plants have been planted – an essential nature-based climate change solution. #bouygues #tkm #greenlight #climatestrategy #buildingforlife A specific aesthetic and functional goal has been achieved by the team, who has properly planned, designed and executed outdoor space. This art form involves the strategic arrangement of various elements, such as plants, trees, walkways, water features and lighting, to create a harmonious and aesthetically appealing environment. Bouygues Turkmen #ongoingproject

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  • The year may be changing, but out commitments and values remain the same! Bouygues Turkmen #buildingforlife Building for life is our ultimate goal. It entails creating a framework that is based on our four core pillars – committed construction, human adventure, social utility, and technical challenge. As a team, we stand united and committed to our shared vision. We are all part of this journey and share the same goals for growth and success. #bouygues #commitments #corporatevalues #sharedvision We welcome 2025 with renewed energy and determination! 💪

  • Congratulations on the 10th, 20th, and 30th work anniversaries!🧡 Ten members of our team have recently celebrated a significant milestone in their careers, as they have marked ten, twenty and thirty years of loyal service with Bouygues Group. Congratulations to our outstanding colleagues for this remarkable achievement! 👏 Your unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence are an inspiration to all of us. Your hard work sets the gold standard for excellence. With your continued support and commitment, we look forward to many more years of successful operations! 🙌 #bouygues #ajourneyofgrowth #decadesofdedecation Bouygues Turkmen

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    Culture / Communication

    La cérémonie d'ouverture de l'exposition permanente de la Mission archéologique franco-turkmène « 30 ans de travaux archéologiques : le site d'Ulug depe » s'est déroulée le vendredi 22 novembre 2024 au Musée des Beaux-Arts du Turkménistan, construit par la société Bouygues Turkmène. Avec plus de 230 objets exposés, cette exposition permanente représente le résultat du travail de 30 ans (1994-2024), mené par la Mission archéologique franco-turkmene (MAFTUR) en partenariat avec le Ministère de la Culture du Turkménistan, notamment sa Direction Turkmène pour la Protection, l'Etude et la Restauration du Patrimoine Historique et Culturel. La Mission archéologique franco-turkmène a été créée à l'occasion de la visite du Président François Mitterrand en avril 1994 à Achgabat, première visite d'un chef d'Etat occidental au Turkménistan Indépendant. Cette exposition, réalisée grâce au soutien de Bouygues Turkmen, retrace principalement l'histoire des périodes les plus anciennes découvertes sur le site d'Ulug depe. *** "30 yyllyk arheologiki işler: Ulug depe" türkmen-fransuz arheologiya ekspedisiýasynyň hemişelik sergisiniň açylyş dabarasy 2024-nji ýylyň 22-nji noýabrynda “Bouygues Türkmen” kompaniýasy tarapyndan gurlan Türkmenistanyň Şekillendiriş sungaty muzeýinde geçirildi. 230-dan gowrak eksponaty bolan bu hemişelik sergi, türkmen-fransuz arheologiýa ekspedisiýasy (MAFTUR) we Türkmenistanyň Medeniyet ministrligi, hususan-da Türkmenistanyň Taryhy we medeni ýadygärlikleri goramak, öwrenmek hem-de rejelemek baradaky milli müdirligi bilen bilelikde 30 ýylyň dowamynda geçirilen işiň netijesidir. Türkmen-fransuz arheologiýa ekspedisiýasy, Fransiýanyň prezidenti Fransua Mitterranyn 1994-nji ýylyň aprelinde Garassyz Türkmenistana ilkinji saparynyň çäginde, Aşgabat şäherine eden sapary mynasybetli döredildi. "Bouygues Türkmen" kompaniýasynyň goldawy bilen döredilen, bu hemiselik sergi Ulug depede tapylan iñ gadymy dowürleriň taryhyny yzarlayar. *** Церемония открытия постоянной экспозиции Франко-Туркменской археологической миссии «30 лет археологической работы: Улуг-депе» состоялась в пятницу 22 ноября 2024 года в Музее изобразительных искусств Туркменистана, построенном компанией «Bouygues Turkmen ». Эта постоянная экспозиция, насчитывающая более 230 экспонатов, представляет собой результат 30-летней работы (1994-2024), проведенной Франко-туркменской археологической миссией (MAFTUR) в партнерстве с Министерством культуры Туркменистана, в частности с Национальным управлением по охране, изучению и реставрации памятников истории и культуры. Франко-туркменская археологическая миссия была создана по случаю визита Президента Франции Франсуа Миттерана в Ашхабад в апреле 1994 года, первого визита главы западного государства в Независимый Туркменистан. Эта постоянная композиция, созданная при поддержке компании «Bouygues Turkmen», прослеживает историю древнейших периодов, обнаруженных в Улуг-депе. Bouygues Turkmen #ulugdepe

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    TURKMENISTAN | Happy 33rd Independence Day Celebration! 🧡 Independence Day is a significant holiday that symbolizes the strong spirit, unity, and cooperation of the people. It represents their immense creative potential and unwavering confidence in achieving new heights of success. Turkmenistan is a country with a rich history and stunning natural beauty that impresses with its diversity.  The traditional Turkmen cuisine and a wide variety of melons and fruits decorate every table, adding a unique flavor to the celebrations. We extend our warmest congratulations to the people of Turkmenistan on this special day! Bouygues Turkmen #tkm #nationalholiday #independenceday Credit 📸 Irina Melkumyan

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