Add a project, label, or filter to favorites in Todoist

Available for

  • Beginner
  • Pro
  • Business

Separate your high-impact tasks from the everyday noise by adding important projects, labels, and filters to your favorites.

When adding a Todoist project, filter, or label as a favorite, they'll appear in a new Favorites section in the sidebar. Then, all your favorites will sync across all your devices.

Add a project to Favorites

  1. In the sidebar, click the three dots icon beside the project name to view more project actions.
  2. Select Add to favorites from the menu.

The project will appear in the Favorites section of the sidebar.

Add a filter or label to Favorites

  1. Click Filters & Labels in the sidebar.
  2. Click the heart icon beside the filter or label you want to add to your favorites.

Your filter or label will show up in the Favorites section of the sidebar.

Remove a project from Favorites

To remove a project from the Favorites section, right-click the project and select Remove from favorites.

Remove a filter or label from Favorites

To remove a filter or label from the Favorites section, right-click the filter or label and select Remove from favorites.

Reorder favorites

Favorites are listed in the same order as they appear in your projects, labels and filters lists.

To change the order in the Favorites section, drag the project, filter, or label to the preferred location of their respective lists. The new order will reflect in the Favorites section.

However, you can't change the order that the favorites categories will be listed: projects, labels and then filters.

Get help

If you're having trouble adding or removing a project, filter, or label as a favorite, get in touch with us.
