Concentrated Botanicals Inc.

Concentrated Botanicals Inc.

Gıda ve İçecek Hizmetleri

Harnessing nature's power through cutting-edge technologies.


Our company is a company founded on obtaining the concentrates of all edible plants as they are in nature with the most respectful high technologies to nature. One of the leading technologies of the future is the cryogenic freezing of all vegetables and fruits freshly picked from the field, as well as medicinal aromatic plants, concentrating their healthy all ingredients at low temperatures while fresh and then drying them with the highest technologies. The botanical concentrates obtained in this way are used to prevent waste of all consumable plants from soil to plate, to be used in innovative food formulations and also to develop high value-added products. Our company was established to design the products of the future in a very central location in Istanbul, in a complex of 3000 m2 in total on a base area of 1800 m2. Basically, it is one of the leading green technology facilities of our country, equipped with high technologies, zero waste, equipped with high technologies in order to turn the concentrates of primarily purple fruits grown in our country into higher value-added products. In addition to purple fruits, it is a sophisticated facility that can concentrate all edible botanicals grown in our country, while fresh, without any drying process, at low temperatures and high technologies.

Gıda ve İçecek Hizmetleri
Şirket büyüklüğü
11 - 50 çalışan
Genel Merkez
Özel Şirket
Uzmanlık Alanları
Biotechnology, High-value added products, Aronia, New Concentration Technologies, Botanicals, Concentrate, Freeze Drying ve Cryogenic Applications


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