The Asch Conformity Experiment: The Power of Herd Psychology Today, we will take a look at the Asch Social Adaptation Experiment, which shows us how much a person depends on other people when it comes to harmony! You know, when a number of people form a line in front of the restroom, you think that they are all full and you go directly to that line, we will talk about such a situation. In this experiment, the American social psychologist Solomon Asch creates a mise en scene. You can check the link for more! #Psychology #Conformity #SocialInfluence #AschExperiment #HerdMentality #GroupThink #BehavioralScience #CognitiveBias #SocialPsychology #Mindset #HumanBehavior #PsychologicalStudy #PeerPressure #DecisionMaking #Perception #OkButWhy
OkButWhy is a non-profit community of volunteers, founded by Mete Esencan on February 1, 2023*, aiming to increase social awareness by sharing articles in the fields of science, art, and philosophy. In OkButWhy, we make explanations for the events that we see around us every day, but whose reasons we do not question. In our articles here, we will refer to science, which is the most real guide in life, not myths of unknown origin. But this isn’t just a popular science site. You can also find content in the fields of art and philosophy on the site. Also, in the “On Living” category, you can find essays on life-related topics with the author’s subjective ideas. As OkButWhy writers, if we have to describe philosophy in just one word, we describe it as “questioning”. Since our main purpose is to question everything around us, we believe that philosophy should be included in every subject and therefore it should have a place on this site. In fact, the postgraduate education, Ph.D. is the abbreviation of the “Doctor of Philosophy”. No matter what field you are in, if you want to take part in academia and become a researcher, you need to start questioning in that field and get the title of “Doctor of Philosophy”. In the Art/Culture category, while continuing the questioning part, we will discuss different perspectives on the concept of beauty in nature. However, this field will not be limited to the understanding of beauty in nature. In this section, you can find articles about a book, series or movie review, while you can find content about every field of art, such as conveying ideas on a painting.
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OkButWhy şirketindeki çalışanlar
Why Do We Laugh? Discover the Secret of Laughing! You may have noticed that we have entered a subject that may seem strange to many people. We are talking about a question that seems to have a very simple answer but has a rather tricky explanation. Maybe when we read this question, “Because we find something funny. ” or “ When we are tickled, our nerves are activated . (or break down) ” came to our minds. But have we really questioned why we laughed before? Let’s listen to the opinions of scientists who work on laughter, especially Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson! You can check the link for more! #laughter #whywelaugh #scienceoflaughter #funny #humor #laughing #happiness #psychology #humanbehavior #smile #comedy #joy #emotion #brain #wellbeing #okbutwhy
If You Are Unhappy, You Are Immoral: Ethics of Virtue You think the title sounds surprising and pointless, don’t you? Why would being unhappy be immoral? It’s like we’re giving the fallen one another a kick, right? Interestingly, a name you know well, albeit indirectly, claims this: Aristotle! In fact, we shouldn’t put all the blame on him. The claim in this title, “If you are unhappy, you are immoral,” was adopted by most of the ancient Greek philosophers, but it was outlined by Aristotle. Now, let’s take a look at the depth under this striking sentence we used in the title! You can check the link for more! #VirtueEthics #HappinessAndMorality #MoralPhilosophy #EthicsOfVirtue #AncientWisdom #PhilosophyOfLife #EthicalLiving #VirtueAndHappiness #AristotelianEthics #MoralValues
Could the Invisibility Cloak be Real? Invisibility cloak which makes something invisible… We are sure it’s one of the superpowers that many want the most. It is one of the indispensables of science fiction and fantasy film creators. But to make a magical cloak, we have to push the limits of technology. So, how close are we to that goal? You can check the link for more! #InvisibilityCloak #ScienceFiction #FutureTech #Metamaterials #LightBending #QuantumTechnology #PhysicsMagic #InvisibleFuture #SciTech #CuttingEdgeScience #OkButWhy
Let’s say we went on a world tour and went through many different time zones quickly. Our perceptions are confused, we do not know whether it is day or night or whether we are hungry. Or, we are in finals week, and we stay awake until the morning because we think we work more efficiently at night. These are, of course, our own choices, but if we choose to live excessively while ignoring our body’s urges, we will feel exhausted, confused, and possibly sick. This is because, like most other inhabitants of the earth, we have a special biological system that keeps our bodies in sync with the day and night cycles. This is our circadian rhythm, and unlike our alarm clock, it does not have a snooze button. You can check the link for more! #BiologicalClock #CircadianRhythm #InternalBalance #BodyClock #SleepCycle #NaturalRhythms #Chronobiology #HealthScience #DailyRhythm #BrainFunction #Wellness #HumanBiology #ScienceFacts #MindBodyBalance #SleepHealth
How far would you go to bring the idea you believe to life? Would you mind a bottle of bacteria that could make you sick or even kill you to prove your point? By doing just that, Dr. Barry Marshall proved his idea, and this daring experiment earned him the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. You can check the link for more! #HelicobacterPylori #BarryMarshall #RobinWarren #StomachUlcer #Gastritis #NobelPrize #Medicine #Science #Bacteria #GutHealth #MedicalResearch #ScientificDiscovery #Infection #Microbiology #Health
🎭 Today, February 17, 1673! The genius of the stage, the master of comedy, Molière took his final bow… and never returned. But who was Molière? Born Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, he was one of the greatest playwrights of 17th-century France. With works like Tartuffe, The Miser, The Bourgeois Gentleman, and The Imaginary Invalid, he masterfully satirized human nature, hypocrisy, and social absurdities. He used humor as a mirror, making people laugh while making them think. During the performance of his last play, “The Imaginary Invalid,” he collapsed on stage. The audience thought it was part of the act, but Molière was truly dying before their eyes. When the curtains closed, he was gone. But in truth, he never really left. Whenever hypocrisy hides behind a mask, whenever arrogance tries to disguise itself, whenever we laugh—only to realize we are laughing at ourselves—Molière is there. 💭 "To make people laugh is to bring them to their senses." #FarewellWithLaughter #Theatre #TheMiser #Moliere #OkbutWhy
Sulfur Hexafluoride: Sound Thickening Gas (SF6) Have you ever heard the sulfur hexafluoride? You must have seen videos of people thinning their voices by inhaling helium. Today, we will examine a gas with the opposite effect of helium. Also known as anti-helium, the name of this gas in the chemical world is sulfur hexafluoride. So, what is this gas, and how does it thicken our voice? You can check the link for more! #SulfurHexafluoride #SF6 #Gas #Sound #Helium #Voice #Hypoxia #Air #NikeAir #ClimateChange #OkButWhy
Can Motherhood Be Copied?: The Harlow Fake Mother Experiment Today, we will investigate the Harlow fake mother experiment. Can motherhood be copied? To answer this question, we will explore the Harlow fake mother experiment. What is the fake mother? Can an offspring attribute motherhood to another object under appropriate conditions? Or, instead, does anyone need to load this sort of meaning? You can check the link for more! #Motherhood #Copy #Fake #Natural #HarryHarlow #Child #Psychological #Baby #Monkey #OkButWhy
Is Sapiens The End of Our Species? There is only one human species today. Homo sapiens. But when we look over the human history, we come across many species of humans. Moreover, among them, there are those who are stronger than modern humans, “homo sapiens“. So how did we, the relatively “weak” ones, survive while other species went extinct? Will we go extinct like the others? You can check the link for more! #Sapiens #Species #Fear #HomoSapiens #Genus #Domains #HomoGenus #YuvalNoahHarari #HomoErectus #OkButWhy