

IT 服務與 IT 諮詢

Driving digital transformation for businesses in fintech industries.


Hytech is a Leading Management Consultancy firm, specialising in driving digital transformation for businesses in fintech industries. We help you make the right connections to your key stakeholders: your staff, your vendors, your customers. We leverage our technological expertise to help global organisations and business leaders define their business strategies, tackle their biggest challenges, and fast-track their growth for measurable results. We operate at the intersection of business and technology by amalgamating innovative thinking with unrivalled industry knowledge, to deliver end-to-end data-driven solutions for cloud services, cyber-security solutions, IT consultancy, and other support services. From management consulting, to business and technological development, we are committed to providing clients with bespoke solutions that fit their needs and goals. We're connecting the dots, so you won't have to.

IT 服務與 IT 諮詢
1,001-5,000 名員工




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    時間飛逝,轉眼又到了第三季的新進員工座談會!在這次座談會上,新進員工將有機會分享他們的入職心得、提出對公司的建議,並表達任何疑問或擔憂。這也是我們促進參與感和團隊合作的絕佳方式,讓每位成員的聲音都能被聽見。💬 這次活動不僅是迎接新同事的良機,更是我們公司對 員工福祉與參與、學習與發展 和 道德與誠信 這些 Pillar 的具體體現。 座談會也是一個學習的好平台,讓新同事更深入了解我們的公司文化與價值觀,幫助他們在 Hytech 的職涯發展中邁出堅實的步伐。我們始終堅守道德與誠信的原則,努力創造一個透明和信任的工作環境,讓每位員工都能感受到支持和鼓勵。🌟 讓我們一起攜手共創美好的未來!🚀 #雇主品牌 #新進員工 #共同成長 #員工福祉 #學習與發展 #道德與誠信

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    🥳上個月,我們迎來了久違的兩日員工旅遊。 在這個旅程中,我們加入了一些DIY創作與小活動,不僅考驗了團隊的合作與默契,更讓大家在歡笑中增進了彼此的信任!🙌 這些活動與我們的企業價值觀——"同心協力"、"全力以赴"和"開拓創新"——緊密相連,讓我們在成長與發展的過程中,創造了屬於HYTECH大家庭的美好回憶! 也是凝聚團隊的絕佳時刻!💪 #EmployeeTrip #4CValue #HYTECHTW

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    Exciting news! Our upcoming Career Fair is just around the corner. Visit us on 26–27 October 2024 at KLCC from 10am to 6pm. Don't miss the chance to explore new opportunities and connect with us. See you there!   📍 Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) 📅 Date: 26 & 27 October 2024 (Saturday & Sunday) 🕙 Time: 10am - 6pm   #Hytech #MY #Career #Fair #KLCC #yourdevelopmentisourcommitment #visitus #jobstore.com #mycareerfair

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    This year, we had our first Hytech Day event at the Malaysia ICS Office on September 10th. On this special day, we introduced our 4C values. We live and work by these values as an individual and as a team, striving toward the Company's mission togther. "Create" is one of our 4C values. At Hytech, we encourage our people to make daily progress through small innovations. We strive for high efficiency, agility, effectiveness, new ideas, embracing change, maintaining curiosity, and continuous learning within the team. The Malaysia ICS Hytech Day event was filled with fun games and delicious food. One of the games required participants to draw our mascot "Xiaoke". Everyone created their own version of Xiaoke, and the drawings were fantastic. Each was unique; some participants even placed paper over the Xiaoke picture and traced the lines to recreate it. This perfectly illustrates how Hytech embraces new ideas and encourages innovation among its people. This is how we work as Hytech people! 今年,我們在馬來西亞ICS辦公室於9月10日舉辦了首次Hytech Day活動。在這特別的一天,我們推出了4C價值觀。我們個人和團隊都秉持這些價值觀,齊心協力,共同朝著公司的使命邁進。 「開拓創新」是我們的4C價值觀之一。在Hytech,我們鼓勵員工通過小創新每天取得進步。我們追求高效、敏捷、有效性、新想法,擁抱變化,保持好奇心,並在團隊中不斷學習。 馬來西亞ICS的Hytech Day活動充滿了有趣的遊戲和美味的食物。其中一個遊戲要求參與者畫出我們的吉祥物「小科」。每個人都創作了屬於自己的小科,每幅作品都有其獨特之處。有些參與者甚至把紙覆蓋在小科的圖片上,沿著線條描繪出來。這完美地展示了Hytech如何擁抱新想法,並鼓勵員工創新。 這就是我們作為Hytech人工作的方式。 #HytechDay #HytechValue #4CValue #Xiaoke

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    The PH team celebrated its first Hytech day last September 11. It was a fun filled, celebration. The team were able to connect, collaborate and enjoy sumptuous food while learning the HR pillars, 4C values and meeting Xiao Ke. One of the values that goes beyond Philippine activities is CREATE. All employees eagerly took part in our Tableau and sketching exercises, with each group of motionless employees depicting a scene that relates to one of our four core values (Create, Care, Commit, Collaborate). CREATE: -Small progress is still a progress. Small innovation is still innovation -We always strive for high efficiency, simplifying complexities, be agile and effective. -Embrace change, maintaining curiosity. Continuously learn advance industry knowledge and technologies. Seek best solutions within the larger scale. Not because of the delicious food or thrilling prizes they received, but rather because of the connections each employee has made toward achieving a common objective, this activity will undoubtedly have a significant impact on every employee. #hytechday #hytechph #HYlife #xiaoke

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    🎉 9月11日是我們台北辦公室的Hytech Day! 🎉  在這個特別的日子裡,我們推出了全新的4C價值觀和Hytech Style,並透過多種團隊合作的遊戲,讓大家深入認識我們的4C核心價值。 我們的其中一項核心價值 「Collaborate (同心協力)」: 鼓勵每位員工與不同團隊合作,共同完成任務。在這個過程中,大家不僅成為了優秀的隊友,還建立了更深的連結! 💯 I Collaborate (同心協力)  🎈 相互支持,緊密合作,朝著共同的使命和願景努力  🎈不設邊界,攜手成長,解決問題,「我們高於我」;「你的問題就是我的問題」  🎈打造「夢之隊」,成為最佳隊友,共同迎接挑戰,互相成就 ✨ 讓我們實踐這些價值觀,共同打造獨特的Hytech Style!    共創美好的未來! ✨ 

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    We launched our first Hytech Day event at the Sydney Office on 13 September 2024, while also celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Hytech Day event aims to strengthen connections within the Hytech family, and we also introduced the 4C values for the first time. “Collaborate” as one of the 4C values, is defined as: ·        Individual work together towards shared goals and achieve it ·        Typically involves sharing ideas, knowledge etc. ·        Teamwork, which is essential to success. We have organized various small competitions, including a puzzle game and crafts contest, for employees to participate in before the Mid-Autumn Festival lunch. These activities are designed to encourage greater interaction and strengthen bonds between different departments. By engaging in friendly competition and creative tasks, we aim to foster a sense of teamwork across the Hytech Family, making the event not only enjoyable but also a valuable opportunity for cross-departmental collaboration and relationship building. #HytechDay #HytechValue #4C Value #Xiaoke

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    9月13日的Hytech Day,從4C核心價值延伸出四道關卡,透過組隊合作闖關,讓大家在遊戲中與4C核心價值有更深的認識與連結! 其中一項核心價值: 「Care (真誠相待)」讓每位Hytecher在團隊中更加緊密,發揮力量! ❤️ Care (真誠相待) 就是: 🤝欣賞文化多樣性,求同存異,理解並尊重不同觀點和實踐,聚焦人的核心特質 🤝保持謙虛開放的心態,主動信任,真誠溝通 🤝保持理性,就事論事,要客觀,避免主動臆測和情緒化的表達方式 每位Hytecher都是4C價值的最佳代言人! 我們互相理解、支持,共同打造獨一無二的Hytech Style!讓我們攜手向前,創造更多美好回憶吧!  #HytechDay #HytechValue #4CValue #Care #Xiaoke

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