Kingston Technology Far East Corp. 遠東金士頓科技

Kingston Technology Far East Corp. 遠東金士頓科技



Kingston has grown to be the world's largest independent manufacturer of memory products. With global headquarters in Fountain Valley, California, Kingston employs more than 3,000 people worldwide. Regarded as one of the “Best Companies to Work for in America” by Fortune magazine, Kingston’s tenets of respect, loyalty, flexibility and integrity create an exemplary corporate culture. Kingston believes that investing in employees is essential and that each individual employee is a vital part of the company’s success. Kingston serves an international network of distributors, resellers, retailers and OEM customers on six continents. The company also provides contract manufacturing and supply chain management services for semiconductor manufacturers and system OEMs.

1,001-5,000 名員工
Hsinchu City


  • 1-5, Li Hsing 1st Rd., Science-Based Ind. Park,

    30078 TWHsinchu City


Kingston Technology Far East Corp. 遠東金士頓科技員工


  • 和供應商夥伴共度的中秋前夕,格外有意義🌕 在Kingston,我們始終秉持著「員工第一,供應商第二」的核心價值與承諾。透過每年一度的Vendor Day,我們衷心感謝與我們攜手並進的供應商夥伴們! 在這一天,大家在高爾夫聯誼賽中以球會友,增進了彼此的默契與信任;在雞尾酒會及晚宴中,我們共同舉杯,感謝過去一年的密切合作,並互相加油與鼓勵🥂 Kingston誠摯感謝每一位供應商夥伴的支持與全力協助,期待未來的每一步,大家能繼續互相扶持,共同成長🙌🏻 Spending time before the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival with our supplier partners is specially meaningful! At Kingston, we strongly uphold our core values and commitment and always believe the concept of “Employee No.1, Vendor No.2". With the annual Kingston Vendor Day event, we demonstrate our deep appreciation to our vendor partners. On this day, we engaged our vendor partners in friendly competition during the golf tournament, enhancing mutual understanding and trust. At the cocktail reception and dinner gathering, we raised our glasses together, expressing appreciation for the close cooperation over the past year, while encouraging and supporting one another. Kingston sincerely appreciates the support and dedication of every vendor partner, we look forward to continuing support each other and together in every step ahead! 2024 Be Grateful; Be Kind! #kingstoniswithyou #kingstoncorpevents #kingstoncircle #kingstonfareast #kingstonvendorday

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  • 隨著生活和工作的步調加快,忙碌的相處節奏常帶來衝突摩擦,面對這些無形壓力與內耗,我們都在尋求理解自己的方式。各種人格測評工具的討論熱度不斷攀升,而「星座」更是我們再熟悉不過的話題,占星學🪐透過十大行星與十二宮位,編織出涵蓋人生各層面的深刻結構。   在剛結束一波水逆的九月,我們邀請占星學專家 白瑜來到Kingston,結合占星科學、現代心理學與哲學思想,帶領大家練習從錯綜複雜的星盤排列中,解構自身性格特質與情感模式。白瑜老師溫柔地引導我們透過不同面向理解自己,在日後面對不同人生課題時,可以把自己抽離出不同層次、面向去應對。   我們期待藉由不同工具的認識與練習,陪伴每位同仁探索自我,建立與他人更深層次的相處與連結。讓我們以開放的心態與視角,找到屬於自己的成長之道👣   As the pace of life and work accelerates, the busy rhythm of interactions often leads to conflicts and friction. While facing these invisible pressures and inner struggles, we are all seeking ways to better understand ourselves. The discussion around various personality assessment tools continues to rise, and astrology is a topic we are all most familiar with. Astrology🪐 weaves a profound structure encompassing all aspects of life through the ten planets and twelve houses. In September, just after a wave of Mercury retrograde, we invited astrology expert Bai Yu to Kingston. Combining astrological science, modern psychology, and philosophical thought, Bai Yu guided us in practicing how to deconstruct our personality traits and emotional patterns from the complex arrangements of natal charts. With a gentle approach, Bai Yu led us to understand ourselves from different perspectives, enabling us to handle various life challenges by detaching ourselves and viewing them from multiple levels and angles.   Through the exploration and practice of various assessment tools, Kingston supports every Kingstonite on the journey of self-discovery, helping to establish deeper connections and relationships with others. Let us, with an open mind and perspective, find our own path to growth.👣 #KingstonIsWithYou #KingstonCorpEvents #Kingstoncircle

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  • 是否曾想過,我們在工作職涯中所累積的經驗與知識,可以為校園裡的青少年學生帶來多大的影響與幫助? 今年夏天,Kingston再度與廣源基金會合作「新鮮人起飛Bar」職涯體驗營,由40位Kingston同仁組成的講師、導覽員以及隊輔志工群,帶領高中與大學生進行一日職場體驗,透過講座探索自我、並一窺科技業與未來職場模樣! 身為Kingston的一份子,我們貫徹「Kingston Is With You」的理念,鼓勵同仁對工作及生活投注熱情。「新鮮人起飛Bar」🚀是Kingston回饋社會與點亮學生未來的行動之一,把我們所擁有的資源與經驗分享出去,希望這段體驗和經歷,能成為同學們求學和職涯探索旅程中的一塊基石,帶給他們更多底氣面對未知、勇敢前行。而我們所收穫的,其實更是遠遠超出實質付出的心靈滿足! 點擊影片共同感受志工夥伴的滿懷熱情與同學們的認真投入吧✨ Have you ever wondered how the experience and knowledge we've accumulated in our careers can significantly impact and help young students in schools?   This summer, Kingston once again host the “2024 Freshmen Career Exploration & Experience Camp”🚀 together with Guangyuan Charitable Foundation. 40 Kingstonites volunteered as speakers, guides, and group leaders, leading high school and university students through a one-day workplace experience, accompanying them to explore their strengths through lectures and gain a glimpse into the tech industry and the workplace!   At Kingstone, we embody the philosophy of "Kingston Is With You," encouraging all Kingstonites to bring passion to both work and life. This freshmen event is one of Kingston's initiatives to give back to society and illuminate the future for students. We aim to share our resources and experiences, hoping this journey will become a cornerstone in their educational and career exploration, giving them the confidence to face the unknown and move forward bravely. And what we gain in return is a profound sense of fulfillment that far exceeds our tangible efforts!   Click on the video to feel the passion of our volunteers and the dedication of the students!✨ #KingstonIsWithYou #KingstonCorpEvents #Kingstoncircle #ESG

  • 2024 Kingston環保系列活動,感謝同仁與我們一起肩負起「地球守護者」的角色,在不同的生活時刻完成了共計「7,435次」行動挑戰,與大家分享我們的活動成果🎥 🔖151位同仁加入一萬公里挑戰,以步行/腳踏車取代汽機車,累計踏出4,602.9公里 🔖433位同仁響應新月沙灣淨灘行動,清潔垃圾總重量達519.58公斤 🔖與新竹食來運轉協會合作,募集捐出130.4公斤狀態良好剩食 🔖Free Lunch使用超過1,745個循環餐盒,取代一次性餐具 🔖75位同仁挽起衣袖參與捐血活動,共捐出112袋250cc熱血 🔖與Give Circle贈物網合作贈物活動,募集38箱良品物資 🔖二手書市集募集250本保存良好書籍,節省至少2,245.46公斤碳足跡 每一次的小小行動🌱,終將積累成不容小覷的強大能量🌳,讓我們把愛護地球的信念延續在生活的每一刻! Thank you to all the Kingstonites for joining us in taking on the role of 'Guardians of the Earth' and successfully completing the 2024 Kingston Environmental Protection Series. Together, we've accomplished 7,435 green actions at various moments in our daily lives. We’re excited to share our achievements with everyone.🎥 🔖 151 Kingstonites joined the 10,000 Kilometer Challenge, replacing car or motorcycle rides with walking or cycling, covering a total of 4,602.9 kilometers. 🔖 433 Kingstonites participated in the New Moon Beach Cleanup, collecting a total of 519.58 kilograms of trash. 🔖 Partnered with the Hsinchu Food Revival Association, donating 130.4 kilograms of well-preserved surplus food. 🔖 The Free Lunch initiative used over 1,745 reusable lunch boxes, replacing single-use utensils. 🔖 75 Kingstonites rolled up their sleeves for the blood donation, donating a total of 112 bags of 250cc of blood. 🔖 Collaborated with Give Circle Gift Network for a donation drive, collecting 38 large boxes of quality goods. 🔖 The Secondhand Book Fair collected 250 well-preserved books, saving at least 2,245.46 kilograms of carbon footprint. Every small action 🌱 will eventually accumulate into a formidable force 🌳. Let’s continue to carry the spirit of protecting the Earth into every moment of our lives! #KingstonIsWithYou #KingstonCorpEvents #Kingstoncircle #KingstonEarthDay #EarthDay

  • 2024上半年,我們專注於守護外在環境與地球;轉眼間,今年已過了三分之二。讓我們將目光回到自己身上,重新看見被社會期待掩藏的真我,練習以溫柔的心態關注內在,優先照顧自己,才能有餘力去關愛我們所珍視的人。 我們邀請到娛樂圈及媒體圈的正能量代表⚡關韶文,以他的座右銘《不要羨慕別人花開得早,要努力讓自己花開得好🌼》為題,分享在追逐夢想的這一路上,學習接納自己、看到自己與眾不同的地方。當現實與夢想之間的天平無法平衡,也要相信這些困難都是養分,幫助我們持續擴張舒適圈,創造更多人生的選擇權。 無論我們與夢想的距離遠近,永遠要推動自己去做更靠近夢想的事,或許我們無法決定何時能夠完成夢想,但我們可以選擇用何種姿態一路往前。讓我們練習往內看,找到自己自在的節奏,做喜歡的事,發出獨有的光芒✨ In the first half of 2024, we focused on caring for the external environment and the Earth. Now, as time swiftly slips by and two-thirds of the year has already passed, it’s time to turn our gaze inward. Rediscover the true self hidden beneath societal expectations, and practice nurturing our inner self with a gentle mindset. By prioritizing self-care, we then would have the ability to take care of those we cherish. We invited Ethan Kuan, one of the positive influence figures in the entertainment and media industries⚡, to share his stories under the theme of his motto, 'Don’t envy others for blooming early; strive to make your own flowers blossom beautifully🌼' He discussed how he learned to love himself and recognize his unique qualities on the journey of pursuing his dreams. When the balance between reality and dreams seems impossible to maintain, it’s important to remind ourselves that challenges are nutrients to help us continue expanding our comfort zones and creating options in life. No matter how far we are from our dreams, always remember to nudge ourselves forward. We might not know when our dreams can be realized, we can still choose the way we strive. Let’s practice looking inward, finding our own rhythm, doing what we love, and being as brightly in our unique ways✨ #KingstonIsWithYou #KingstonCorpEvents #Kingstoncircle

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  • Kingston響應世界地球日,在今年的整個四月份,以地球守護者的身份,舉辦由同仁身體力行的一系列環保活動,也邀請在不同領域的專業講師,分享更多愛護環境、擁抱地球的方式🌱 🐞昆蟲擾西 | 探索自然界的多元生態 昆蟲與爬蟲是維護生態系統平衡的關鍵,但常被人類誤解與排斥。我們邀請昆蟲與爬蟲專家 - 昆蟲擾西,用活潑有趣的互動與近距離接觸,帶領大家認識自然界多元生態,學習尊重和欣賞自然界中重要的生命,感受昆蟲與爬蟲生態世界的魅力! ♻️青瓢 | 揮別一次性塑膠,走向循環永續 台灣每年消耗近數十億個一次性容器。青瓢致力於將環境痛點轉化為永續商機,提供可循環使用的環保容器租借,在各種大型活動使用。2023年,青瓢與Kingston合作,節省了5,236個一次性餐具!讓我們逐漸減少塑膠浪費,練習擺脫對一次性餐具容器的依賴! 📽️ 齊廷洹 | 用影像守護台灣的美麗與傷痛 齊廷洹傳承已故導演齊柏林對台灣的愛與關懷及敏銳洞察力,用專業寫實的影像紀錄台灣。齊先生來到Kingston宣講環境教育,和大家一起討論台灣的生態與變化,期待喚醒我們愛這片土地的心! 透過這些環保講座,期待讓環保意識逐漸融入日常生活中,讓我們持續以實際行動愛護地球,守護我們的環境與未來🌍 In supporting Earth Day, Kingston takes on the Guardian of the Earth role, launched series of events throughout the month of April. In addition to organizing various environmental friendly initiatives, Kingston also invited professional speakers from different fields to share their passion and ways of loving and cherishing the Earth. 🐞Dee the bugbuff | Explore the Diverse Ecosystems of Nature Insects and reptiles are crucial to the ecosystems. They are often misunderstood and rejected by humans due to lack of knowledge. We invited an insect and reptile expert, Dee the bugbuff, to lead everyone in exploring the diverse ecosystems of nature through lively and engaging interactions and close-up encounters. This experience helped our employees and kids to respect and appreciate the vital creatures sharing the planet with us, it was a rare opportunity to take a glimpse of this exotic world. ♻️ ChingPiao | Say Goodbye to Single-Use Plastics, Embracing Sustainable Recycling Nearly billions of single-use containers are consumed annually in Taiwan. ChingPiao is an organization dedicated to transforming environmental pain points into sustainable business opportunities by providing reusable eco-friendly containers for rent at various large-scale events. In 2023, ChingPiao partnered with Kingston at several events, saving 5,236 single-use utensils! Let's work together to gradually reduce plastic waste and learn to break free from heavy reliance on single-use disposable utensils and containers! 📽️ Chi Ting-Huan | Protect Taiwan's Beauty and Sorrow Through Imagery Mr. Ting-Huan Chi continues the legacy of his father, the late director Po-Lin Chi’s love and care for Taiwan. With keen insight and professional realism, Ting-Huan Chi continuously documents Taiwan through his lenses and imagery. He visited Kingston to deliver an environmental education speech, personally discussing the ecology and the changes of this treasured land. Through his efforts and sharing, he intends to awaken the love for our homeland that everyone shares. By offering these environmental workshops, we hope that a deepen environmental awareness can become an integral part of our daily lives. Let us continue to take concrete actions to love and protect the Earth, safeguarding our environment and our future🌍 #KingstonIsWithYou #KingstonCorpEvents #Kingstoncircle #KingstonEarthDay #EarthDay

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  • 🌊 #淨灘,為海洋找回健康 🌊 Kingston 於2024整個四月份為世界地球日推出「地球守護者」系列活動。4月27日的竹北新月沙灣淨灘活動,我們為海洋打掃出一些呼吸空間。活動當天,雖然天氣多雲時陰,不時還下起綿綿細雨,但433位同仁與親友們依然全心投入,為地球盡一份力量。 透過全體參與同仁與親友們在海灘上的撿拾及挖掘行動,我們共同撿集了519.58公斤的垃圾,清潔了長達1公里以上的海岸線。在淨灘過程中,也撿到了很多不應該出現在海邊的垃圾,包括交織纏繞的廢棄漁網、浮球、寶特瓶,甚至還有令人匪夷所思的大型熱水器、馬桶坐墊、各式保麗龍垃圾、及承裝了不知名液體的塑膠水桶等。 這次活動讓我們深刻地學習到,淨灘雖然是刻不容緩的任務,卻不是解決問題的根本手段。首要的任務應該是從源頭減塑,減少製造垃圾、終止惡性循環。鼓勵大家將綠色行動融入到日常生活中,很多順手可行的環保行動,不但簡單,更能發揮實際效果! • 🛍️ 自備環保袋,減少使用塑膠袋。 • 🚫 拒絕一次性塑膠製品,如吸管、餐具。 • ♻️ 正確分類回收垃圾。 • ☕ 自備環保杯,減塑享折扣。 感謝每一位Kingston地球守護者的辛勤付出與投入。Kingston身為地球公民,將持續在每年四月份,響應世界地球日,召集全體同仁共同參與環保行動。我們相信,透過積累微小的環保行動,從每個人做起,持續養成環保習慣,積少成多,必定能為海洋、為地球貢獻越來越多的綠色能量,幫助地球找回健康與活力。 🌊 #BeachCleanup for a Healthier Ocean 🌊 During the entire month of April 2024, Kingston launched the "Guardians of the Earth" series of activities to support Earth Day. On April 27th , the Beach Clean-Up Day at New Moon Beach, Zhubei, helped make some breathing space for the ocean. Despite the cloudy and occasional drizzly weather that day, 433 dedicated Kingstonites and families/friends wholeheartedly participated in the cleanup activities to help making a difference for our planet. Through the tireless efforts of all participants, we collected 519.58 kilograms of trash and cleaned over 1 kilometer of coastline. During the cleanup, we encountered a variety of unexpected and inappropriate items that were buried in the beach, items such as tangled discarded fishing nets, buoys, PET bottles, we even found astonishing items such as large water heater, toilet seat cover, various styrofoam debris, and plastic barrels containing unknown liquids. This event made us realize that while frequent beach clean-up is urgent and needed, it won’t be the ultimate solution. Our primary mission ought to be reducing plastic usage from the source, minimizing waste production, and ending the vicious cycle. We encourage everyone to incorporate green actions into your daily lives. Following are some simple yet effective measures: 🛍️ Bring your own reusable shopping bags to reduce the use of plastic bags. 🚫 Refuse single-use plastic products, such as straws and plastic utensils. ♻️ Properly sorting and recycling waste. ☕ Use reusable cups to reduce plastic consumption and enjoy discounts at participating drink shops and convenient stores. We would like to extend our deep appreciation to every Kingstonite as the Guardian of the Earth, for your hard work and dedication supporting the Earth Day related activities. As a global citizen, Kingston will continue to show our support for the Earth Day every April, rallying all Kingstonites to participate in environmental actions. We believe that by accumulating small, yet eco-friendly actions, starting with each person, and continually fostering sustainable habits, we can collectively contribute more green energy to the oceans and the Earth, helping to restore the health and vitality of our planet. #Kingston #Sustainability #CSR #BeachCleanUp #EarthDay


  • 🏀🔥金士頓攻城獅日精華影片震撼來襲🔥🏀   作為新竹在地的主場球隊,新竹攻城獅承載著「工程師」們的挑戰創新與無畏精神。2024年初夏,我們帶著同仁感受了攻城獅的強韌意志,見證球員們在籃球場上永不放棄的拚搏精神。感謝5/4當天所有熱情參與的Kingston同仁及親友們,無論是一日獅紫軍還是鐵粉獅紫軍,我們一起全心投入這場球賽,穿著Kingston x 攻城獅聯名限定T-shirt,在場邊奮力為攻城獅隊加油吶喊,感受那份獨一無二的熱血與激情!   這次活動不僅是一場熱血的籃球賽,還有Kingston企業專屬報到通道、Kingston限定美食餐車、活潑可愛的Muse Girls見面會、以及與Lioneers球星的近距離互動。每一個細節都創造了滿滿的記憶點,讓我們共同回顧這些美好的回憶!   Kingston秉持著員工第一的理念,重視工作與生活平衡,規劃各式活動提升員工體驗。攻城獅球員們在球場上展現了團隊合作的力量,如同我們在工作中以專業與熱情面對每一項任務、每一個專案,各部門團隊協作,最終一起達成目標!很開心與新竹攻城獅共創美好記憶~讓我們繼續關懷在地,共同展現Kingston獨特的企業文化精神!   🎥👉【立即點擊觀看影片】一起重溫這場盛會的每一刻:   🏀🔥 Kingston Lioneers Day Highlight Video is Here! 🔥🏀   As the home team of Hsinchu, the Hsinchu Lioneers represent the innovative and fearless spirits that embodied in the "Engineers”. In the early summer of 2024, 1200 Kingstonites and families/friends came to experience and witness the resilience of the Lioneers and the relentless sportsmanship demonstrated by the players. A big thank you to all Kingstonites and families/friends who passionately attended the event in the stadium. Whether you were a one-day Lioneers supporter or a die-hard fan, we all joined together to participate as a team. We were wearing the exclusive Kingston x Lioneers co-logo limited edition T-shirts, cheering loudly from the sidelines, and absorbing the excitement and the passionate sensation as one!   This event was more than just an intense basketball game. It also featured Kingston-exclusive corporate entrance, various Kingston-patrons-only popular food trucks on-site, a lively meet-and-greet with the Muse Girls, and close interactions with the Lioneers players. Every detail was special to create lasting memories, and we invite you to revisit these wonderful moments with us!   At Kingston, we uphold the philosophy of Employees Are No,1, emphasizing work-life balance, and promoting various activities to enhance employee experiences and engagement. The Lioneers players showcased the power of teamwork on the court, resembling how we approach every task and project at work with professionalism and passion; with joint efforts and team collaborations across departments, we achieve the ultimate goals together! What a day at the Hsinchu Lioneers! Let’s continue to care for our community and demonstrate Kingston’s unique corporate culture everywhere we go!   🎥👉【Click to Watch the Video】Relive every moment of this grand event:   #Kingston #Lioneers #新竹攻城獅 #工作與生活平衡 #WorkLifeBalance #團隊合作 #Team #熱血球賽 #員工第一 #新竹在地

    2024金士頓攻城獅日活動精華 Kingston Lioneers Day Highlight Video

  • 2024 Kingston春季校園徵才圓滿落幕囉~   感謝同學們踴躍參與,讓Kingston今年度的說明會與博覽會場場爆滿,參與人數突破六千人!   我們用屬於Kingston的特有文化、透過真誠與活力,陪伴同學們在說明會及博覽會中對未來有更詳細的認識。讓我們一起勇敢畫出屬於自己的精彩藍圖!   No matter where you are, Kingston is always with you!     2024 Kingston's Spring Campus Recruitment Event has been successfully concluded!   Thank you to all the students for your enthusiastic participation, making every Kingston's introduction workshop and campus booth a full house. The number of participants exceeded six thousand people!   We hope all of you have experienced firsthand the genuine sincerity and vitality that are embedded in Kingston members at the event. With our passionate support, let's sketch out a blueprint with courage for your bright future together!   No matter where you are, Kingston is always with you!   #kingstoniswithyou #kingstoncorpevents #kingstoncircle #kingstoncampus2024


  • 朝著永續的目標前進時,會面臨各種挑戰,2024,邀請大家與Kingston一起成為【地球守護者】,從日常生活中的小小行動開始,透過有意識的選擇、生活習慣的養成,成為環境的守護者之一。 我們將透過🌱愛地球系列挑戰、🌱簡單生活提案、🌱改變隨時開始分享講座 等多項綠色行動,一起捍衛美好生活。請持續關注我們的限時動態,參與挑戰行動。關懷地球,永遠不遲!   While striving to achieve sustainability objectives, we often encounter various challenges. In 2024, we invite everyone to join force and become the "Earth Guardians” during the month of April. Let's start with small actions in our daily lives, making mindful choices, and adopting sustainable habits to become stewards of the Earth.    We will embark on various green actions such as the 🌱 Love Earth Challenges, 🌱 Simple Life Project, and 🌱 Changes Can Start At Any Time Workshop to defend our beautiful life together. Stay tuned for Instagram stories to learn more about the details, and don't miss any opportunities to tackle the challenges. It’s never too late to start caring for the Earth!    #KingstonIsWithYou #KingstonCorpEvents #Kingstoncircle #KingstonEarthDay #EarthDay

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