台灣門薩 Mensa Taiwan封面照片
台灣門薩 Mensa Taiwan

台灣門薩 Mensa Taiwan




1946年,大律師 Roland Berrill 與科學家兼律師 Dr. Lancelot Ware 二人基於來辦一個「聰明人組成的學會」的初步藍圖,在英國牛津成立了凡擁有高智商的人皆可入會的──門薩學會。 門薩自成立至今,一直以創建「無政治立場、不分種族與宗教的社會團體」為宗旨。 Mensa 取自拉丁文的「桌子」一字。門薩是一個圓桌組織,與會員的種族、膚色、信仰、國籍、年齡、政治傾向、教育程度或社會背景皆不相關。只要您的智商居於世界前 2%,無論職業與身份為何,都歡迎您加入。同時,門薩也是全世界最古老、規模最大的高智商組織,共有超過 140,000 名門薩會員,分佈於上百個國家中。目前除南極洲外,各大陸合計近 50 個國家都擁有各自的門薩組織。 2015年,國際門薩協助舉辦了第一場台灣測驗,而台灣門薩也一路從新興、籌備階段快速茁壯,終於在 2020 年突破 500 位會員,成為了完整階段的門薩分會,並定期舉辦各種主題的月會、年會。 -- Mensa was founded in Oxford in 1946 by Roland Berrill, a barrister, and Dr. Lance Ware, a scientist and lawyer. They had the idea of forming a society for bright people, the only qualification for membership of which was a high IQ. The original aims were, as they are today, to create a society that is non-political and free from all racial or religious distinctions. The society welcomes people from every walk of life whose IQ is in the top 2% of the population, with the objective of enjoying each other's company and participating in a wide range of social and cultural activities. Mensa has three stated purposes: to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, to encourage research in the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence, and to promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for its members. Today there are around 140,000 Mensans in 100 countries throughout the world. Mensa's vibrant presence extends to nearly 50 countries worldwide, encompassing every continent except Antarctica. Membership numbers are also available for specific National Groups. In 2015, with the assistance of Mensa International, Taiwan hosted its inaugural intelligence test. In the subsequent years, Mensa Taiwan experienced rapid growth, reaching a significant milestone in 2020 by surpassing 500 members and officially establishing itself as a complete branch of Mensa. This journey witnessed the chapter evolving from its Emerging and Provisional stages into a Full National Group with a substantial membership base.

501-1,000 名員工
Mensa、National Group、高智商組織、High IQ Society、Intelligence Quotient (IQ)、Wechsler tests和WAIS


台灣門薩 Mensa Taiwan員工


  • 瀏覽台灣門薩 Mensa Taiwan的組織專業

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    Asia-Pacific Mensa Gathering 2024 in Taiwan #AMG 2024 Taipei will take place from October 24th to October 26th, 2024! In 2024, after overcoming the challenges posed by the severe COVID-19 pandemic, vitality is gradually returning to various regions. We are delighted to announce that the Mensa Asia Annual Conference will be grandly held in Taiwan. Despite being a relatively young nation, Taiwan boasts a diverse cultural heritage. Beginning with the indigenous peoples of Austronesian origin, Taiwan has seamlessly integrated historical influences from both the East and the West. Among the blending of diverse ethnic groups, Taiwan has developed a unique and fascinating identity. Just like Mensa, which welcomes members from different backgrounds and experiences, Taiwan aims to provide various perspectives within Mensa and facilitate mutual exchange to enrich life experiences. Therefore, we have chosen the theme "Fusion" as the central focus for this event, aiming to spark interesting and culturally rich dynamics. We look forward to introducing the unique cultural journey of Taiwan to everyone. The event will feature diverse aspects such as gala dinner, ice-breaking dinner, keynote speeches, cultural tours, and workshops. We have prepared a variety of activities for everyone to enjoy. With a range of topics, we invite you to broaden your horizons. In terms of gastronomy, Taiwan's culinary scene brings together flavors from various regions, creating the renowned "Taiwanese taste." We will bring you to the night markets and tasting local snacks will also be on the agenda! As part of the cultural experience, you will have chance to the National Palace Museum to experience wearing traditional Hanfu clothing, try the elegant art of calligraphy with a brush, and even delve into the health benefits of learning Tai Chi. We anticipate that Mensans from Taiwan and around the world will enjoy Taiwan's unique culture, perspectives, and way of life together, fostering friendship among Mensans from different countries. We eagerly await a more diverse and interactive exchange. (Some activities are optional and require separate registration and payment) 2024 年闊別嚴竣的武漢肺炎疫情,各地的生機逐漸恢復,很高興門薩亞洲年會將在台灣盛大舉行,台灣是個非常年輕的國家,卻擁有多元的文化底蘊,以南島民族為開端,揉合融入東西方的歷史影響,在多元族群交融之中,台灣形成獨特且精彩的面貌,一如門薩歡迎不同背景與經歷的會員,能夠在門薩中提供不同視角的觀點,更也能互相交流與拓展生命經驗,所以我們選以 Fusion 為此為的活動主軸,以及激盪出更有趣且豐富的文化動能。 很期待能向大家介紹台灣獨特的文化軌跡,活動包括交流晚宴、主題演講、文化旅遊與工作坊等等不同的面向切入,我們準備了多種活動等待大家蒞臨。豐富多元的講題,邀請大家一起打開新視野。在飲食方面,台灣美食匯聚各地美食,發展出所謂的「台味」,除了有名的熱炒以外、逛逛夜市吃小吃的行程更不能少!在文化體驗中,也能帶大家前往故宮體驗穿戴傳統漢服,也能試試毛筆揮毫的雅趣,還有學習太極的養生之道。我們期盼台灣與各國的門薩人,都能一同享受台灣獨特的文化、觀點與生活體驗,增進各國門薩人的情誼,也期待更多元的交流與互動。 Mensa InternationalMensa Foundation 台灣門薩 Mensa SingaporeMensa Hong KongMensa SingaporeSingaporeMalaysian MensaMensa PhilippinesAustralian MensaMensa BrasilMensa Canada Mensa CroatiaCroatiaMensa DenmarkMensa FranceMensa Germany Mensa IndiaMensa ItaliaMensa MéxicoMéxico Mensa NederlandMensa New ZealandMensa NorwayMENSA PakistanMensa SwedenBritish MensaAmerican Mensa

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    瀏覽Mensa Indonesia的組織專業

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    Asia-Pacific Mensa Gathering (AMG) 2024 in Taiwan wrapped up its 3-day main event last Saturday (Oct 26th). A total of 410 brainiacs from 29 countries, including 21 from Indonesia, flocked to POPOP Taipei to participate in the festivities. On behalf of Mensa Indonesia, our Chairman, Satriadi Gunawan, would like to thank and congratulate Mensa Taiwan again for being an awesome host. 謝謝大家! Many exciting stories have indeed been shared in our WhatsApp check out the event agenda attached! Willy Dawson Liusan #DiversityIntelligence #MensaIndonesia #RagamDalamCerdas #MensaRDC

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