
Kaohsiung CityQieding District 1,260 位關注者

Meeting Taiwan & the APAC region needs by providing the most complete and accurate training !


MTIC by MIRDC is a GWO and OPITO certified training center located in Kaohsiung, South Taiwan. We have been set up in 2021 with the help of the Taiwanese government (Bureau of Energy) and a well-renowned international training organization (Maersk Training) with the objective of becoming the most comprehensive training facility for Marine & Offshore professionals of the Asia-Pacific region. We are in constant development and always listening to the industry needs for training. For any inquiry, please, contact us using the following email addresses: - Trainings available in MTIC by MIRDC: - GWO : Basic Safety Training (BST including Sea Survival), Basic Technical Training (BTT), BTT - Installation, Advance Rescue Training (ART), Enhanced First Aid (EFA), Slinger Signaller (SLS), Blade Repair (BR) - OPITO: HUET (2022 Q4) - DNV GL: Marine Operation (MO) Lvl 1 and 2 - Company Customized Courses: SGTT (Siemens Gamesa), Offshore Wind Energy Crew Member Course (Taiwan Marine Heavy Industry) - Industry Introductory Courses: English, Chinese

51-200 名員工
Qieding DistrictKaohsiung City
GWO training、DNV GL Marine Operation、BST training、BTT training、ART training、EFA training、BR training和SLS training


  • 主要

    500 Zhèngdà Lù

    852 TWKaohsiung CityQieding District




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    It is again time of the year for everyone to get together in the hall of renewable energy. We will be on first floor with Booth No P0114 from 2 to 4 October 2024 at Energy Week Nangang Exhibition Center. Feel free to drop by for a VR Demo or simply chat of what we can do for training solution in the renewable field. And our DP/OCO Training Room is almost ready!

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    We started working with SGRE Nacelle Plant as their training partner in 2021 when 8MW nacelles are the main product. After nearly four years of hard working, it is great to see a new Nacelle Factory for the great 14 MW nacelles. Great achievement for SGRE and all the plant members!

    瀏覽Siemens Gamesa的組織專頁,圖案

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    We have reached a significant milestone by inaugurating the production of 14MW offshore wind turbines at our new facility in Taichung, Taiwan. 🚀 This marks a historic expansion beyond Europe and underscores our commitment to driving sustainable energy solutions across the globe. ✔️ Our leading technicians have worked tirelessly to ensure the seamless transfer of production knowledge from Europe to Taiwan. ✔️ Vinod Philip, Executive Board Member of Siemens Energy, EVP Wind Power, inaugurated the factory expansion during his first visit to the Asia-Pacific region in his new role overseeing Siemens Gamesa's wind power business. ✔️ The new plant will be instrumental in manufacturing all 73 turbines for the 1022MW Hai Long Offshore Wind Project. This accomplishment represents the dedication and expertise of our global team and sets the stage for a sustainable energy future in Taiwan and beyond. #TeamPurple #WindEnergy 🌟🎉

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    HL is one of the few local companies dedicated numerous of efforts to step into offshore/onshore wind power. It is our honor to be HL's training partner.


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    Sharing our pride: the highly realistic 1:1 wind turbine TP segment training platform at our headquarters. This platform is the core of our offshore engineering training. Here, Ho Lung's team can equip full safety gear and get hands-on experience with offshore cable splicing and tower climbing in a highly realistic environment. The platform accurately replicates the internal structure of a wind turbine, providing each trainee with practical experience, reducing adaptation time, improving efficiency, and significantly lowering operational risks. It has witnessed countless individuals grow from novices to experts. With this support, we can progress further and more steadily on the path of renewable energy. #WindEnergy #SafetyTraining #ProfessionalDevelopment #RenewableEnergy 與大家分享我們位在總部的高擬真1:1風機TP段訓練平台。 這個平台是我們離岸工程訓練的核心。在這裡,團隊可以穿戴全套安全裝備,在高擬真的環境中熟悉離岸電纜接續和塔架攀爬技能。 平台精確複製了風機內部結構,為每位訓練者提供實戰經驗,縮短適應時間,提高工作效率,並大大降低操作風險。這裡見證了無數人員從新手成長為專家的過程。 有了這樣的支持,我們在再生能源的道路上走得更遠、更穩。 #風能 #安全培訓 #專業發展 #可再生能源

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    MTIC於今年 2024 GWO Safety & Training Awards 一共入圍了兩個獎項: 1. 亞太區年度培訓機構Training Team of the Year - APAC 2. 優秀青年講師-巫孟珊,Young Achiever Award-Sandy Wu 為台灣本年度入圍最多獎項的GWO訓練中心!   各獎項最終結果將在10月初於 GWO Safety & Training Awards頒獎典禮上揭曉!   MTIC優秀的訓練團隊從亞太區共87間GWO訓練中心脫穎而出,除了代表GWO對台灣風電訓練能量的肯定,更是對於台灣領先區域離岸風電發展的認同。我們將持續不斷引進離岸風電產業所需的各類國際證照項目;MTIC身為國內擁有最多元風電國際證照課程的訓練中心,至今已完成將近2500名學員的風電訓練,並與國內外風電廠商及學術機構,完成一連串的產學平台及知識共享的合作,讓有意投入產業的青年獲得更多樣化的課程及訓練機會,同步協助產業解決人才培育及訓練的問題。   MTIC將會攜手每位支持夥伴一同為國家2050淨零碳排的目標持續努力!   MTIC is honored to share that for three years in row, we are shortlisted as the Training Team of the Year APAC by Global Wind Organisation Safety Award. In addition, our Instructor – Sandy WU, is on the list for Young Achiever Award. Final result will be announced on the GWO Safety Award in Orlando this October.   There are currently 582 training centers in the world. The shortlist means the recognition of our constant dedication in providing high-fidelity training environment under multiple standards. Since 2021, we have completed training for more than 2500 technicians from the world, with continues support with local academic and government groups to promote offshore wind and renewable energy.   We will work together with our partners toward the goal of 2050 net-zero emission for Taiwan and the region. 

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    We started providing training solution to Yunlin OWF since 2021 when WPD and Sapura were the main characters. Along the way, difficulty and challenges emerged and glad to see new partners takes over the responsibility, like a rely race, and now this most southern-end wind farm has completed all monopiles and half of the turbines commissioned. Taiwan's path toward clean offshore wind energy is slowly but firmly reaching it target, thanks to you all who participated along the journey.

    瀏覽Skyborn Renewables Taiwan的組織專頁,圖案

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    ▋ 雲林離岸風場2024年工程重大進展 – 完成全數80座單樁基礎安裝與過半數42座風機併網發電 雲林離岸風場完成全數80座單樁基礎安裝,同時已有過半數42座風機成功併網發電,達成2項重要的里程碑,336MW裝置容量在目前完工併網的風場中已位列第4大。 雲林離岸風場是臺灣的開發先驅,各項製造與國產化作業均如期如質完成。感謝臺灣政府對專案各方面的持續支持,雲林風場專案團隊將攜手所有合作夥伴,穩步推進風場建置及併網工程,矢志於2024年底前完成共80座風機安裝。施工團隊迄今已完成全數80座單樁基礎、72座轉接段和55座風機安裝作業,以及42條陣列海纜和12條輸出海纜鋪設。 雲林離岸風場是 #skyborn天豐新能源 與合作夥伴的第一要務,肩負超過20年供電責任。完工後,640MW雲林風場每年將為台灣超過60萬戶家庭提供再生能源。截至目前為止,雲林風場併網發電累積度數已突破14億度,穩步成為台灣重要的供電力量! #YunlinOWF #雲林離岸風場 #綠色能源 #離岸風電 #再生能源 #能源轉型 #Skyborn天豐新能源 Photo Credit: Sean Hung (for MP80_03) and Mammoet/Giant (for MP80_01)

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  • 瀏覽MTIC by MIRDC的組織專頁,圖案

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    Since 2020, we have completed more than 10 sessions of Young Talent Training Program (勞動部勞動部力發展署產業新尖兵課程). More than 160 participants completed the program, and half of them are working together with us in the Renewable Energy sector. The new session will start from Aug 26 to Sep 19. If you are holding R.O.C citizenship, you might entitled government-found training. Check 產業新尖兵計畫網 ( for more detail. Be reminded Deadline for registration is Aug 11. See you in our Classroom soon. Photo Courtesy by Vestas.

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    Offshore wind farms are located away from traditional medical emergency response team, therefore, Advanced Rescue Training (ART) and EFA (Enhanced First Aid) are essential skills for offshore technicians to save their buddy when needed. We are dedicated to create a close-to-real scenario for participants to help build their muscle memory for situation we hope will never happen. #Advancedrescuetraining #enhansedfirstaid

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    Since 2021, we've worked closely with our industry partners to create a close-to-reality training environment. Thanks to Bernice Chen from Siemens Gamesa, and Muhan Cheng from TIPM for coordinating a site visit to Pre-Assembly Site and onboard CTV in Taichong Harbor. Siemens Gamesa, along with HO LUNG POWER ENERGY CO., LTD.. DWTEK Subsea Solution, and FUTUREFARM ENGINEERING Co., Ltd. also dedicate their profession beyond our podium by sharing the cadets the different but equal-important roles they play in the offshore development. Qualified candidates are also invited to join the recruitment interview and hope to we can put the right person in the right place. Since 2020, we have had 11 sessions of Talent Training Program, more than 180 cadets left our classroom with the passion to make our world renewable and cleaner. We can never go this far without everyone’s generous support. 

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  • 瀏覽MTIC by MIRDC的組織專頁,圖案

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    Offshore technicians are working in a location where traditional emergency response team can not reach immediately. Therefore, everyone involved needs to learn how to rescue him/herself and others when needed. Safety and Health at Work is not a slogan, but a DNA that should embedded into our blood. We also see the tendency of increasing new-hire in the industry, that is why we worked with MOL (Ministry of Labor) to conduct Offshore New Talents Training program (勞動部勞動力發展產業新尖兵課程). Hope the DNA can spread down from all the 160 cadets we had in the past four years.

    Today, April 28th, is the UN "World Day for Safety and Health at Work”. For us at Global Wind Organisation, every day is about Safety and Health of the wind #workforce. There is much to celebrate as more and more companies embrace safety in their working culture as a foundation for delivering value. Value to their customers, to their employees and to society. In the wind industry we have a significant safety challenge ahead of us. The global climate and energy goals means we need to triple renewable energy installations before 2030. Tripling requires a significant ramp up for the wind industry, and significant additions to our workforce. The ratio of new and inexperienced workers will increase. In my analysis, this makes it even more important for to build supply of training programmes for entry level techs as well as for the more experienced colleagues. #safety #wind #workforce #gwotraining

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    The magnitude 7.2 earthquake on April 3 in Hualian shakes Taiwan and the world, and so far we are having minor damage compared to very big one 25 years ago. Still feel sorry for those who lose their beloved ones and property. Our OPITO instructor Simon Wu, is among the great and brave rescue team who answered the call. With their special skills in rope access and safety evacuation, MIRDC is very honor to support his rescue mission in Hualian. Safe work and life to everyone everywhere.

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