I’ve lived a nomad life for as long as I can remember. 🏕️🐪🌍
Being born into a diplomat family, moving houses, going from country to country and saying goodbyes all the time are what I’m used to.
To me, living in a transient state is the norm.
When it comes to my business, I also do the same: spearheading a new project, getting it to a healthy level of growth, and then passing it on to my capable team to sustain.
As part of this strategy, I’ve started up new operations in many cities around the globe.
Not all have been a success.
But every one of them memorable and makes up who I am as a business leader today.
22 years on since OxBridge Holdings, Inc. was born, this week I circle back to Taipei where it all started.
It warms my heart to see so many faces old and new coming together for this auspicious occasion.
🌹Erica Lu and Madeline Su, budding press and media comrades since my journalist days
🌹Mark Hsu, a well respected dot com and ed tech early mover who probably was the first to inspire me to look at SoCal opportunities
🌹Flora Yung, a beacon in our agency industry who has stood the test of times - thank you bestie for flying over from Hong Kong to celebrate our special day
🌹Michelle Bradley 白惠美, a Taipei-based intercultural communication specialist serving the likes of TSMC and Yahoo! We connected on LinkedIn and met for the first time IRL
🌹Carol, Pin-Chieh, Lisa, Una and other former OxBridge team members who remain friends of our wider community
🌹Grace, Sonia, Lynn, Ab who jointly lead our youthful, hardworking and committed team who are forever pursuing excellence and staying one step ahead of the game
🌹Steph, Anita, Kathryn, Sunny, Min, Luke, Daniel, Lewis, Jonathan, Shelley, Lisa, Bieb, Cynthia, Roy and many more of our partners who made it to our soiree
I like the look of this new beginning - instead of goodbyes, I welcome more hellos and coming together with friends, colleagues and partners.
Friends in the international education sector, anytime you’re in Taipei, just remember, mi casa es su casa. Don’t be a stranger. ❤️