
We Get The Picture


晶睿通訊 (台灣證交所股票代碼:3454) 創立於西元2000年,為全球安全監控解決方案領導品牌,並以自有品牌VIVOTEK行銷全球。其全方位的安全監控解決方案,包括網路攝影機、網路伺服器、數位影像監控儲存系統、乙太網路交換器及影像管理軟體。面對物聯網的趨勢,晶睿通訊在長期耕耘影像與聲音的技術發展下,提出成為「物聯網的眼睛」。並分別於 2008 年成立美國 (加州)、2013年歐洲 (荷蘭)、2014年印度(德里)、2015年中東(杜拜)、2016年拉丁美洲(墨西哥)、2017年日本(東京)成立子公司或辦事處。隨著全球策略的布局,晶睿通訊期許打造健全的產業生態鏈,積極與國際領導軟體、硬體廠商進行策略聯盟,並透過全球116餘國、逾183家授權經銷商布建網絡。詳細更多資訊,請至晶睿通訊網站瀏覽www.vivotek.com。

1,001-5,000 名員工
New Taipei City
network cameras、video servers、video receivers、NVR、central management software、surveillance solutions、security、surveillance、CCTV、IoT和AI


  • 主要

    6F, No. 192, Lien-Cheng Rd., Chung-Ho Dist.,

    23353 TWNew Taipei City

  • 2050 Ringwood Ave

    95131 USCaliforniaSan Jose

  • Randstad 22 133

    1316 NLFlevolandAlmere

  • Avenida Ejército Nacional 418 Piso 7, Oficina 711 Col. Polanco V Sección,

    11230 MXDistrito FederalMexico City

  • Room 1802, P.O.Box: 61053, Jafza ONE,

    61053 AEDubaiJebel Ali free zone,

  • 602, Best Sky Tower, Plot No. F-5, Netaji Subhash Place,

    110034 INDelhiDelhi

  • 8th floor Shin Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,

    100-0005 JPTokyoTokyo


晶睿通訊 VIVOTEK員工


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    🎥 Discover Our Vision Behind the Lens! 🌍 Dive into our latest video, "The Vision Behind the Lens," and gain a deeper understanding of our core competitiveness and commitment to sustainability. "Where nobody sees, we keep opening our eyes and staying alert. We believe what we've found in this era will provide our future generations with a better vision. We'll keep our eyes open." Watch now and see how we’re shaping a brighter future! 👀

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    The bright moonlight shines down on the earth, guiding travelers back to their homes, just as our network cameras safeguard the security of our homeland with cutting-edge AI technology. Moon Festival is approaching. May you be in good health and joy, and reunited with your loved ones. Happy Moon Festival! 皎潔的月光灑落大地,照亮並指引歸人回家的路,就像我們遍布全球的網路攝影機,以最先進的AI技術,守護家園的安全。中秋節將至,祝福您身體健康、並與摯愛之人團聚,中秋佳節愉快! #VIVOTEK #AIsolution

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    #Feature Highlight Series 3 ✨RealSight Engine, a new AI technology from VIVOTEK, helps cameras capture true colors without being affected by environmental factors. It eliminates the need for time-consuming white balance correction, allowing customers to maintain surveillance cameras with ease. Learn More: https://lnkd.in/gFimKjjM #VIVOTEK #RealSightEngine WhiteBalance #WhiteBalanceCorrection #AI #VisionObjectAnalytics

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    Our debut at the 2024 Delta Electronics Dragon Boat Race was truly impressive! Among nearly 40 teams and 600 participants, #VIVOTEK stood out for its exceptional teamwork and unity. With our GM cheering, the CFO racing, and a dedicated support team, we showcased unbeatable spirit. Show your support with a like and cheer for VIVOTEKers! 🛶👏 我們在2024台達龍舟賽的首秀令人驚豔!面對近40支隊伍和600位選手,晶睿通訊團隊表現引人注目。烈日下,我們的晶舟勇士隊不僅展現了無比的活力和團結,更獲得全場的熱烈掌聲。總經理親臨現場,財務長親自參賽,還有熱情的加油團助陣,我們展現無可匹敵的團隊精神! 點讚支持,一起為晶睿健兒喝采!🛶👏 #DeltaDragonBoat #Teamwork

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  • 瀏覽晶睿通訊 VIVOTEK的組織專頁,圖案

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    #Feature Highlight Series 2 ✨RealSight Engine, a new AI technology from VIVOTEK, prevents cameras from being affected by infrared light reflected by nearby objects. It automatically captures clear nighttime scenes and people, clearly exposing persons of interest. This technology enables cameras to detect people passing by earlier and more accurately. Learn More: https://lnkd.in/gFimKjjM #VIVOTEK #RealSightEngine #IR #IRReflection #ClearAtNight #VisionObjectAnalytics

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  • 瀏覽晶睿通訊 VIVOTEK的組織專頁,圖案

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    #Feature Highlight Series 1 ✨RealSight Engine, a new AI technology from VIVOTEK, solves the problem of motion blur in images caused by rapid movement. It ensures that all details of moving figures are captured, automatically making people clearer without the need to adjust the camera's shutter speed. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/gFimKjjM #VIVOTEK #RealSightEngine #MotionBlur #AI #VisionObjectAnalytics

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    Introducing our new AI feature #RealSight Engine for unparalleled visibility. This feature transforms images captured by network cameras into clear, visible facial images under any lighting conditions. It addresses customer pain points related to diverse lighting scenarios and time-consuming configurations, and combined with our AI search capabilities, it ensures the capture of critical images anytime and anywhere. Press Release: https://lnkd.in/gnqhz5qj #VIVOTEK #AISolution

    VIVOTEK Unveils New AI Feature "RealSight Engine" For Unparalleled Visibility

    VIVOTEK Unveils New AI Feature "RealSight Engine" For Unparalleled Visibility


  • 瀏覽晶睿通訊 VIVOTEK的組織專頁,圖案

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    #BrandBoost2024: VIVOTEK's surveillance solutions are essential in every corner of the city! Whether it’s protecting massive stadiums, vibrant shopping malls, busy streets, or critical infrastructure, our systems deliver unmatched security 24/7. With advanced #AI and intelligent analytics, our solutions enhance the accuracy of surveillance data, making city management smarter and more efficient. Let's witness the showcase from our global team together! 👇 #BrandBoost2024:VIVOTEK智慧安防解決方案在城市的每個角落發揮關鍵作用!無論是容納萬人的大型展演與運動競技場、繁華的商場、繁忙的街道,還是關鍵的基礎設施,我們的系統都能提供全面的安全保護。 結合智能分析和AI技術,我們的解決方案提升監控數據的準確性和處理效率,使城市管理更智能、高效。 一起見證全球團隊精彩展示!👇 #VIVOTEK #GlobalSearchChallenge #Quality

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  • 瀏覽晶睿通訊 VIVOTEK的組織專頁,圖案

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    Troubleshooting PoE in your server rack? No problem with Health Monitoring, the latest feature in VAST Security Station. Watch the video to see PoE reboot in action! Health Monitoring (beta) allows you to easily track the status of system devices like network cameras, network devices, and hard disk storage. If a network camera disconnects, you can reboot it directly through VAST Security Station Pro. Beyond monitoring S.M.A.R.T. attributes, VSS Pro provides warnings before potential hard disk issues arise. This ensures proactive issue resolution, keeping your system running smoothly—all from a single platform. Find out more: https://lnkd.in/gdBS6X-s #VIVOTEK #VastSecurityStation #VSS #VMS #DeviceMonitoring

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    VIVOTEK New Star Tour: Meet With the President and Visit the Production Line for the First Time In August, we held "VIVOTEK New Star Tour and Process Experience Day" for the first time, inviting new employees to the production line and experience the IP Cam assembly process firsthand, immersing themselves in our high-quality manufacturing procedures. We also organized a tailored "Meet with the President" session for our new stars, where they could have all their diverse questions answered. Our senior management team took on the role of instructors, conveying our product's competitive advantages, opportunities for company growth and transformation as well as our commitment to sustainable management. Through warm and professional communication, we introduced our corporate culture of "Speed, Transparency, Quality, and Teamwork" to new stars. This approach helps new stars connect closely with our culture, stay enthusiastic and grow together with VIVOTEK! 直擊新星訓練 與老總面對面 首度產線體驗趣 8月首度舉辦「晶睿新星導覽與製程體驗日」,邀請新進同仁踏入產線並體驗IP Cam組裝過程,感受高品質製程。我們更為新星們量身打造「總經理面對面」時間,五花八門的問題都能被迎刃而解,並由高階經營團隊化身講師,傳達產品競爭優勢、成長轉型的契機與永續經營理念,透過溫度、專業的溝通模式,手把手傳承企業文化「速度、透明、品質、團隊合作」,透過自然而然的方式讓員工與文化緊密連結,期許新星們持續熱情,與晶睿一同成長! #VIVOTEK #Newstartour #Processexperienceday

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