🤔What do you get when you bring together cybersecurity experts and partners? Knowledge, insights and actionable solutions!⚡ That's exactly what happened at our recent NETSCOUT event in Tbilisi. On March 4, we gathered NETSCOUT partners and experts at Rooms Hotel Tbilisi to discuss modern approaches to cyber security and protection from DDoS attacks. It was a productive and intense event where participants gained valuable insights, were able to interact with experts and learn about the latest solutions in the field of network security. The participants: ▪️ Gained deep insights into advanced threat detection with NETSCOUT Omnis Cyber Intelligence, a DPI-based NDR platform ▪️ Learned how to build a robust hybrid defense against devastating DDoS attacks using NETSCOUT Arbor ▪️ Walked away with practical strategies to strengthen their overall cyber defenses ▪️ Expanded their professional network and shared valuable experiences We thank everyone who joined us. Special thanks to our speakers: 🔵 Kateryna Kozyr, Territory Manager, BAKOTECH 🔵 Filip Demianiuk, Security Sales & Channel Director Europe, NETSCOUT 🔵 Mais Aghayev, Sales Engineer, BAKOTECH They held engaging and helpful discussions to dive into real-world challenges and provide tangible solutions. Stay tuned — see you at our upcoming events!
ІТ-послуги та ІТ Консалтинг
A Source of Innovations for Companies that Create Future
Про нас
BAKOTECH is an international Value Added IT Distribution company that represents solutions of leading IT vendors. Positioning itself as a True Value Added IT distributor BAKOTECH provides professional pre-sales, post-sales, marketing and technical support for partners and end-customers. Geographically BAKOTECH covers about 26 countries in the CIS, Asia and Europe, with offices in Ukraine (Kyiv), Kazakhstan (Astana, Almaty), Azerbaijan (Baku), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Lithuania (Vilnius), Czech Republic (Prague, Brno) and Poland (Krakow). On local markets BAKOTECH® operates through a well-established partner network, including over 1,000 active dealers. Key integrators and solution providers are involved in the realization of large-scale projects concerning implementing solutions for end-customers from various segments of business. BAKOTECH’s business strategy is true Value Added Distribution. Together with our partners we are implementing world class IT solutions. 100% of our sales is done via partner channel. As a Value Added Distributor we are providing wide range of services such as pre-sales and post-sales support, trainings for partners and end-customers, PoC, PoV, solution consulting, implementation support, technical support, PR and co-marketing activities.
- Вебсайт
Зовнішнє посилання для BAKOTECH
- Галузь
- ІТ-послуги та ІТ Консалтинг
- Розмір компанії
- 51-200 працівників
- Тип
- У приватній власності
- Засновано
- 2003
- Спеціалізації
- software, value added IT distribution, networking і security
Vatslava Havela bulvar
Solomianskyi raion, Kyiv City, UA
Працівники у BAKOTECH
💥💨 Emergencies provoke panic because there is often no clear plan for acting, while the risks are incredibly high. 👀 It’s impossible to predict an incident there, but it’s possible and necessary to prepare for it. BlackBerry AtHoc is a platform designed for effective crisis management. It instantly coordinates the actions of all responsible persons, provides quick and safe information, and, most importantly, saves lives. We prepared an article where we talked about 7 cases where BlackBerry AtHoc helps to cope with critical situations and prevents negative consequences. Read at the link 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3XR7DNd
📋The effective collaboration of BAKOTECH and its partners lies not only in being a pro but also in a thesis "timely planning is half of success" 💪 That's why we hold exclusive meetings with partners to discuss key trends and strategic plans for the year. One such meeting — F5 Azerbaijan Partner Day — was held on February 6 at Dukkan Khatai. We discussed: ✅ Results of 2024 and development vector for 2025 — speaker Viktoriia Pasichnyk, F5 ✅ Distributed Cloud solutions and migration of applications to the cloud — speaker Shahmir Ovsatov, ITIL®, PMP®, BAKOTECH To conclude the event, we held an award ceremony to recognize partners for their outstanding achievements in 2024. We thank everyone who joined us. Your participation and active discussion made this day productive and valuable. We are confident that 2025 will bring even more growth opportunities and successful deals. Special thanks to our speakers for the quality content of the meeting. 👀 Follow our updates — we hope to see you at future events!
Ще одна нагорода — +1 стимул рухатись далі 🏆📈 Нещодавно BAKOTECH отримав визнання від вендора F5 — нагороду F5 Distribution Partner Of The Year – East Europe 2024. Для нас це безумовне підтвердження правильності нашої стратегії та натхнення для подальшого партнерства. Крім того, визнання від F5 — це вагомий аргумент для наших партнерів та замовників, який додасть їм впевненості у своєму виборі. Ми дякуємо F5, а особливо окремим представникам вендора, з якими в нас склались міцні ділові відносини — Karina Szambelan, Katarzyna Gorzelak-Rek, Viktoriia Pasichnyk та Maria Sachacka. Своєю чергою, команда BAKOTECH планує реалізувати амбітні цілі у 2025 році, а саме проводити корисні та інформативні івенти, присвячені F5, досягти нових висот та зробити все, щоб наступного року підтвердити своє звання найкращого дистрибʼютора. Go BAKOTECH! 💪
Еще одна награда — +1 стимул двигаться дальше 🏆📈 Недавно BAKOTECH получил признание от вендора F5 — награду F5 Distribution Partner Of The Year – East Europe 2024. Для нас это безусловное подтверждение правильности нашей стратегии и вдохновение для дальнейшего партнерства. Кроме того, признание от F5 — это весомый аргумент для наших партнеров и заказчиков, который придаст им уверенности в своем выборе. Мы благодарим F5, а особенно отдельных представителей вендора, с которыми у нас сложились прочные деловые отношения — Karina Szambelan, Katarzyna Gorzelak-Rek, Viktoriia Pasichnyk и Maria Sachacka. В свою очередь, команда BAKOTECH планирует реализовать амбициозные цели в 2025 году, а именно проводить полезные и информативные ивенты, посвященные F5, достичь новых высот и сделать все, чтобы в следующем году подтвердить свое звание лучшего дистрибьютора. Go BAKOTECH! 💪
Another award — more motivation to keep striving for success 🏆📈 BAKOTECH has recently received recognition from the F5 vendor — the F5 Distribution Partner Of The Year – East Europe 2024 award. For our team, this is solid proof that our strategy is working and an inspiration for further partnership. Additionally, the recognition from F5 provides a compelling reason for our partners and clients to boost confidence in their choice. We want to thank F5, and especially the individual vendor representatives with whom we have developed strong business relationships, namely Karina Szambelan, Katarzyna Gorzelak-Rek, Viktoriia Pasichnyk and Maria Sachacka. For our part, the BAKOTECH team is excited to achieve even more in 2025. We're planning to host some awesome events focused on F5, reach new milestones, and of course, keep our title as the top distributor. Go BAKOTECH! 💪
On 📅 23 January 2025, we hosted the Ultimate Test Drive Workshop in Baku, where attendees explored the power of Palo Alto Networks’ cybersecurity portfolio in action. Led by Orkhan Khalilov, Senior Sales Engineer, Team Lead at BAKOTECH, participants gained invaluable hands-on experience in creating a comprehensive cybersecurity 🛡️ system and learned how the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform empowers you to confidently automate threat identification and enforcement across cloud, network, and endpoints – all through a data-driven approach and precise analytics We’re grateful 🤝 to Orkhan Khalilov and Ibrahim Eskiocak, Bahruz Mammadov from Palo Alto Networks for sharing his expertise and to all our attendees for their active participation. Stay tuned for our upcoming events — we can’t wait to see you there!
📅 23 января 2025 года в Баку состоялся Ultimate Test Drive Workshop, где участники на практике познакомились с возможностями кибербезопасности Palo Alto Networks. Под руководством Орхана Халилова, Senior Sales Engineer, Team Lead в BAKOTECH, участники получили ценный практический опыт создания комплексной системы кибербезопасности. 🛡️ Они узнали, как платформа Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform позволяет автоматизировать выявление и устранение угроз в облаке, сети и на конечных устройствах, используя подход, основанный на данных и точной аналитике. Мы благодарим 🤝 Orkhan Khalilov, а также Ibrahim Eskiocak и Bahruz Mammadov из Palo Alto Networks за их экспертный вклад, а всем участникам – за активное участие и вовлеченность! Следите за нашими предстоящими мероприятиями — будем рады новой встрече!
📅 23 січня 2025 року в Баку відбувся Ultimate Test Drive Workshop, де учасники на практиці ознайомилися з можливостями кібербезпеки Palo Alto Networks. Під керівництвом Орхана Халілова, Senior Sales Engineer, Team Lead у BAKOTECH, учасники здобули цінний практичний досвід створення комплексної системи кібербезпеки. 🛡️ Вони дізналися, як платформа Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform допомагає автоматизувати виявлення та усунення загроз у хмарі, мережі та на кінцевих пристроях, використовуючи підхід, заснований на даних і точній аналітиці. Ми вдячні 🤝 Orkhan Khalilov, а також Ibrahim Eskiocak та Bahruz Mammadov з Palo Alto Networks за їхній експертний внесок, а всім учасникам — за активну участь і залученість! Слідкуйте за нашими майбутніми заходами — будемо раді новій зустрічі!
💸 Get the most out of your features at an affordable price F5 XC EASY WAAP is an affordable, universal app security solution—the all-in-one solution for securing your web apps and APIs. With EASY WAAP, you get: 🔺 Web Application Firewall 🔺 API Security 🔺 DDoS Mitigation 🔺 Bot Protection Designed for medium-sized businesses aiming to scale, EASY WAAP offers flexible deployment options (on-premises, cloud, hybrid), proactive defense, and seamless setup by certified engineers. Secure your cloud today with a simple, affordable, and effective solution. Learn more 👉 https://bit.ly/3CYFtbm