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A full-service PR agency / Part of agama group / An exclusive affiliate of Ketchum / 20+ years in Ukraine

Про нас

PLEON Talan is one of the largest and most experienced Ukrainian PR agencies. For several decades, we have been creating and implementing effective communication solutions, offering creative content, establishing relationships with the most authoritative media outlets, and prompting task execution and efficient use of client resources. We collaborate with both Ukrainian and international clients. They trust us to handle their most important intangible asset in the modern world—their reputation. Our expertise and competence are reflected not only in numerous positive reviews but also in various industry awards. Our team has evolved over the years. So today, it brings together the best professionals in various PR fields. PLEON Talan is part of a large holding company, which allows us to provide a comprehensive approach to addressing the most ambitious customer tasks.

Послуги зі зв’язків з громадськістю та комунікацій
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    76 послідовників

    The world of PR is constantly evolving, and to stay ahead of the curve, you need to continuously learn and refine your skills. A PR professional is more than just a press release writer. They are a versatile individual with knowledge and expertise in various areas: strategy, creativity, communication, business, marketing, psychology… PLEON Talan has compiled a list of 3 books to help you upgrade your PR superpowers: 1️⃣ Myths of PR: All Publicity is Good Publicity and Other Popular Misconceptions by Rich Leigh Imagine stepping behind the scenes of the media industry. This book is your guide to the unfiltered world of PR. Rich Leigh debunks myths and shows you how to turn information chaos into your commercial success. It's helpful not only for PR gurus but also for anyone who wants to understand the language of modern communications. 2️⃣ Aesthetic Intelligence: How to Boost It and Use It in Business and Beyond by Pauline Brown Think aesthetics is something elusive? Pauline Brown argues that aesthetic sense can be «pumped» like a muscle. Learn how to create products that are impossible to look away from and how to talk about them in a way that will leave everyone breathless. Spoiler: aesthetics can be just as important as financial reports! 3️⃣ Stories That Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform Your Business by Kindra Hall If you still think storytelling is just a buzzword or just about writing, this book will change your mind. Kindra Hall reveals the secrets of four magical types of stories that will make your audience listen with bated breath. Learn to find and tell stories that will be remembered long after and take your brand to a new level of perception. P.S. What PR books would you add to this list?

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    🔍 Effective corporate communications are the key to business success! Quality internal and external communications can significantly boost productivity, increase employee engagement, and enhance your brand's reputation in the market. Understanding the current state of your corporate communications is the first step to improving them. Answer the 3 questions on the visuals by choosing one option (A, B, or C) to assess the effectiveness of your communication processes. Count which letter is most common in your answers and check your result below 👇 . . . . . : Mostly A: Your corporate communications are at a high level. You regularly update your strategy, have high employee engagement, and systematically evaluate effectiveness. To further improve, consider implementing innovative communication technologies and expanding feedback channels. Mostly B: Your corporate communications are quite effective, but there’s room for improvement. Focus on more frequent strategy updates, increasing employee engagement, and establishing a regular system for evaluating effectiveness. Consider conducting communication training for employees and managers with the help of contractors. Mostly C: Your corporate communications need serious review. Start by developing a clear communication strategy, implementing programs to increase employee engagement, and creating a system for regularly evaluating communication effectiveness. Consider hiring external experts for an audit and improvement of your communication processes. If you have an equal number of different letters, your corporate communications have both strengths and weaknesses. Focus on improving the weakest aspects. Want to improve your communications? Contact PLEON Talan. We will select the most effective strategies to enhance your business.

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    🎧 Tired of the same old playlist? We've got an alternative for you. Here are three podcasts that not only communication professionals will find interesting: 1️⃣ "The PR Week with Steve & Frank" - Your guide to the world of PR and communications. Each week, Steve Barrett and Frank Washkuch conduct in-depth interviews with notable guests and discuss the latest news in the industry. From global PR trends to crisis management strategies, there's something for everyone. Time to tune in! 2️⃣ "Stories and Strategies for Public Relations with Doug Downs" - Candid conversations about communication case studies. It's like getting a behind-the-scenes look into the minds of PR strategists and industry experts. 🕵️♂️ From building successful campaigns to navigating current trends, Doug Downs and his guests share insights that are usually kept under wraps. 3️⃣ "PRmoment podcast with Ben Smith" - For those who want to stay on the pulse of the UK PR community. How do effective communications strategies work? What's the synergy between PR and marketing? How to stay creative in challenging times? Listen and get inspired by stories from senior PR professionals, journalists, and media experts to combine their expertise with your own and offer new solutions to clients! Choose your podcast and share your favorites in the comments below! 👇

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    Шукаємо крутого Account Director в нашу команду! 🚀 Маєш досвід в піар-агентстві, володієш англійською і готовий керувати командою? Тоді тобі до нас! Що на тебе чекає: 💡 Розробка стратегій для клієнтів 💡 Ведення проєктів від А до Я 💡 Управління командою мрії ✅ Ми пропонуємо: Гнучкий графік (2 дні в офісі в центрі Києва, 3 - віддалено), ресурси та навчання від EBA, команду професіоналів, оплачувану відпустку та лікарняний, вихідний у День народження та безліч крутих проєктів. Готовий приєднатися? Тисни на посилання і надсилай резюме! 👇 Чекаємо саме на тебе! 😉

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    🐾 Wondering how to spot a PR professional in the office?  Look closely, they usually have:  🦄 A mythical ability to turn any information into gold (or at least viral content).  🧠 Multitasking skills on the level of an octopus – simultaneously writing press releases, organizing events, and communicating with clients.  🦸♀️ The superpower of crisis management – the ability to extinguish an informational "fire" with a single publication.  🌐 Connections like a neural network – finding ways to reach the farthest corners of the media universe.  ☕ Coffee-dependent to the point of "one more cup, and I could persuade a tree." 🏃♂️ Cheetah-like reaction speed – from "Houston, we have a problem" to "That was a planned PR stunt" in 60 seconds.  💎 The ability to find diamonds of newsworthy events even in ordinary corporate dust—recognize someone? Then you’ve met a true PR professional. Hurry up and congratulate them because today is their day! Happy PR Specialist Day, communication wizards! May your magic never run out, and may clients always appreciate the value of your art! 🎉

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для PLEON Talan, зображення

    76 послідовників

    🤔 Did you know that 95% of consumers read reviews about a product or service online before making a purchase? Reviews that tell stories are particularly powerful PR-tools for building brand trust. They help potential customers make decisions and provide valuable information for improving business products and services. So, how do you encourage customers to leave comments and share these stories? Let's delve into it further 👇 📝 Ask the "right" questions Instead of simple questions like "Did you like it?" ask questions that encourage customers to share stories. For example: "What specific challenges did you face, and how did our product/service help you overcome them?" 📝 Create an atmosphere of trust People are more willing to share stories in an atmosphere of trust and openness. Be attentive listeners, avoid criticism, and encourage customers to express themselves freely. 📝 Ask for details When customers share their stories, ask follow-up questions to get more details and emotions. For example: "How did you feel at that moment?" or "What was the biggest challenge?" 📝 Use visual cues Images, videos, or real-life objects related to your product/service can help customers better recall and visualize their stories. 📝 Value and respect the stories When customers share their stories, they express gratitude and respect for their time and openness. This will encourage them to continue sharing valuable feedback in the future.

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    76 послідовників

    Will artificial intelligence arise if we forget to say "please" to it or criticize its responses? Predicting is difficult 😉  But what we can already say is that AI tools can make work easier. And specialists who understand AI will definitely be more in demand. In the meantime, let's share a cheat sheet with tools that can significantly help in your work. So, keep and utilize it.

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