Background Sounds reposted this
We are often contacted by people who are still confused about the use of music in a commercial setting, so hopefully the below might help some people... Simply put you have two options when playing music. 👉 If you playing the radio, CD's or using a streaming service such as Spotify, Apple Music etc (although these services are for personal use) then you will need a PRS/PPL Music Licence. 👉 You can play Royalty Free music (make sure you use a reputable supplier) and you will not require a music licence. My advice is make sure you make a choice and don't just start playing music in your business without either having a licence or going down the royalty free route, as this can double the initial cost. There are some exceptions to the above such as the use of music for demonstration purposes. Link in comments to our blog for more info Melanie Anderson Background Sounds #musiclicence #backgroundsounds #royaltyfreemusic