Boycott Russia

Boycott Russia

Civic and Social Organizations

Stop funding Putin’s war. Boycott Putin's Russia today! #BoycottRussia

About us

Every day, the US, the UK and the EU buy from Russia more than $700m of oil, gas, aluminium, nickel, titanium, gold and other commodities, indirectly financing Putin’s neo-colonialist ambitions and its military invasion of Ukraine. Corporations that are dealing and operating with Russia will continue to fund Putin's war crimes after his unprovoked attack against a sovereign, democratic state at the heart of Europe. That is why CEOs must act. While some corporations have made commitments to divest from Russia, most can go further. Some have made no commitment to cut ties with Russia in any way. Our aim is to get companies to take concrete steps to #BoycottRussia and stop financing Putin’s war. We must continue to ensure that corporates walk the walk and talk the talk.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
1 employee



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