Deadline alert for BEST Scholarship Funding ⏰ Apply by 14 March. If you're a full-time degree level student studying in the UK who is interested in post-grad study in the USA or Canada, please apply! #StudyAbroad #PostgradStudy #StudyinAmerica #StudyinCanada #ScholarshipFunding
👏 I had the privilege of working on the BEST scholarship this season, and it has been amazing to watch seven scholars have successful semesters excelling in the USA! 💰 The BEST scholarship fund (BUNAC Educational Scholarship Trust) has been running for over 35 years as a registered charity. Created to support UK students with additional top-up funding to have the career-changing experience of undertaking post-grad study in the USA or Canada. 👩💼 In my role, I have the privilege of supporting the BEST trustees by administering the fund. Most importantly, I witness the profound impact that studying abroad can have on a young person's personal development as they experience life in a new country. 📩 We are excited to announce that our scholarship season is now open! 📣 We invite UK degree-level students, who are enrolled in or have completed a full-time tertiary course at a UK university, to APPLY. Applications close on the 14th March '25. Find out more BUNAC JENZA