Cardiff Capital Region

Cardiff Capital Region

Civic and Social Organizations

Cardiff Capital Region. We stand for good growth, productivity, prosperity and public value.

About us

Cardiff Capital Region covers the ten councils of South East Wales. We stand for good growth, productivity, prosperity and public value.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
51-200 employees
Government Agency


Employees at Cardiff Capital Region


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    Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) welcomed City of Birmingham Alabama and Birmingham Sister Cities government officials and economic leaders, along with Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government to CCR's offices.   This follows a recently signed Wales-Birmingham International Friendship Pact for collaboration, signed by the Welsh Government and the Mayor of Birmingham in September 2023.   Gavin Powell, CCR's Head of Innovation and Clusters, said: “There is so much insight we can gain from discussions like this with the delegation from Birmingham in Alabama, and it was great to share how we engage with our regional communities to enhance economic, social, and environmental wellbeing." Croesawodd Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd swyddogion ac arweinwyr economaidd Dinas Birmingham Alabama a'i Chwaer Ddinasoedd, ynghyd â Llywodraeth Cymru i swyddfeydd Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd.   Mae hyn yn dilyn Cytundeb Cyfeillgarwch Rhyngwladol Cymru-Birmingham ar gyfer cydweithio a lofnodwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Maer Birmingham ym mis Medi 2023.   Dywedodd Gavin Powell, Pennaeth Arloesi a Chlystyrau Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd: "Mae cymaint o fewnwelediad y gallwn ei gael o drafodaethau fel hyn gyda'r ddirprwyaeth o Birmingham yn Alabama, ac roedd yn wych rhannu sut rydym yn ymgysylltu â'n cymunedau rhanbarthol i wella lles economaidd, cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol." #CardiffCapitalRegion #Birmingham #SisterCities

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    Cardiff Capital Region is currently recruiting for two Accountant positions and the closing date for these posts has now been extended to 09 October. Learn more about the roles and how to apply below ⬇   Ar hyn o bryd mae Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd yn recriwtio ar gyfer dwy swydd Cyfrifydd ac mae'r dyddiad cau ar gyfer y swyddi hyn bellach wedi'i ymestyn tan y 9fed o Hydref. Dysgwch fwy am y rôl a sut i wneud cais isod ⬇ #CardiffCapitalRegion #Hiring

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    Cardiff Capital Region is currently recruiting for two Accountants. Each of these posts will work closely with each of the two Finance Business Partners to oversee the CCR’s financial and management accounting. These are not your average Accountant roles; each day is different here and you will be given opportunities to work across a range of areas, with both internal and external stakeholders. What we are looking for from you: - An experienced Accountant with a track record of operating at a similar public/private organisation supporting the smooth running of all day-to-day financial systems and processes. - You’ll be an effective, proactive, and committed member of a small Finance Team in a new and growing organisation, providing the successful postholders with the opportunity to shape both their roles and the wider finance function. Learn more and apply here:   Mae Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd (CCR) yn recriwtio ar gyfer dau Gyfrifydd. Bydd pob un o’r swyddi hyn yn gweithio’n agos gyda phob un o’r ddau Bartner Busnes Cyllid i oruchwylio amgylchedd cyfrifyddu, adrodd a rheoli mewnol ariannol a rheolaeth Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd. Nid rolau Cyfrifydd cyffredin mo’r rhain; mae pob diwrnod yn wahanol yma, a rhoddir cyfleoedd ichi weithio ledled ystod o feysydd, gyda rhanddeiliaid mewnol ac allanol fel ei gilydd. Yr hyn y chwiliwn amdano gennych chi: - Cyfrifydd profiadol gyda hanes o lwyddo wrth weithredu mewn sefydliad cyhoeddus/preifat cyffelyb sy’n cynorthwyo’r holl systemau a phrosesau ariannol beunyddiol i weithredu’n ddi-dor. - Fe fyddwch yn aelod effeithiol, rhagweithiol ac ymrwymedig o dîm Cyllid bychan mewn sefydliad newydd ac sy’n tyfu, gan roi’r cyfle i’r deiliaid swydd llwyddiannus lunio’u rolau a’r swyddogaeth ariannol ehangach. #CardiffCapitalRegion #Hiring

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    Cardiff Capital Region attended the Bhattacharya Award ceremony last Friday at the Royal Academy of Engineering as part of the CSconnected delegation. CSconnected was one of five finalists recognised for their significant achievements and collaboration efforts as an academic-industry partnership, working to advance the compound semiconductor cluster based in South Wales. Congratulations to the winning team, The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) and Boeing, and to all finalists for this fantastic achievement. Learn more about the awards here: Bu Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd yn y seremoni Gwobrau Bhattacharya ddydd Gwener diwethaf yn y Royal Academy of Engineering fel rhan o ddirprwyaeth CSconnected.   Roedd CSconnected yn un o bump yn y rownd derfynol a gafodd eu cydnabod am eu cyflawniadau sylweddol a’u cydweithio fel partneriaethau academaidd-diwydiant, gan weithio i ddatblygu’r clwstwr lled-ddargludyddion cyfansawdd yn Ne Cymru.   Llongyfarchiadau i'r tîm buddugol, Canolfan Ymchwil Gweithgynhyrchu Uwch (AMRC) Prifysgol Sheffield a Boeing, ac i bawb a gyrhaeddodd y rownd derfynol am y gamp wych hon.   Dysgwch fwy am y gwobrau yma: #CardiffCapitalRegion #CSconnected #CompoundSemiconductors

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    Cardiff Capital Region is pleased to share that CSconnected has been shortlisted for the prestigious Bhattacharyya Award, which recognises the UK's most impactful academic-industry partnerships as part of the Royal Academy of Engineering. Representing the world's first compound semiconductor cluster, CSconnected includes Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd, Swansea University, the Compound Semiconductor Centre Limited, and industry partners, including IQE, KLA, Microchip Technology Inc., Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., and MicroLink Devices UK Ltd. CSconnected is one of five finalists recognised for their significant contributions to research and innovation, further establishing South Wales as a global leader for compound semiconductor technology. Congratulations to CSconnected and all finalists for this fantastic achievement! Mae Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd yn falch o rannu bod CSconnected wedi cyrraedd y rhestr fer ar gyfer Gwobr Bhattacharyya, sy'n cydnabod partneriaethau mwyaf dylanwadol y DU rhwng y byd academaidd a'r diwydiant fel rhan o Royal Academy of Engineering. Yn cynrychioli clwstwr lled-ddargludyddion cyfansawdd cyntaf y byd, mae CSconnected yn cynnwys Cardiff University, Swansea University, Compound Semiconductor Centre, a phartneriaid diwydiant, gan gynnwys IQE plc, KLA Corp, Microchip Technoleg, Vishay Intertechnology, a Microlink. Mae CSconnected yn un o bump yn y rownd derfynol a gydnabyddir am eu cyfraniadau sylweddol i ymchwil ac arloesi, gan sefydlu De Cymru ymhellach fel arweinydd byd-eang ar gyfer technoleg lled-ddargludyddion cyfansawdd. Llongyfarchiadau i CSconnected a phawb sydd wedi cyrraedd y rownd derfynol am y cyflawniad gwych hwn! #CardiffCapitalRegion #CSconnected #CompoundSemiconductors Photo credits - Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd.

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    Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) is delighted to announce that we are now accredited as a Real Living Wage employer by Cynnal Cymru - Sustain Wales and the Living Wage Foundation. The Real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate based on the cost of living. CCR is proud to receive formal recognition of our existing commitment to fair pay and advocacy for inclusive economic growth across our Region. Learn more about our accreditation and what it means for CCR here:   Mae'n bleser gan Brifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd gyhoeddi ein bod bellach wedi'n hachredu fel cyflogwr Cyflog Byw Gwirioneddol gan Cynnal Cymru - Sustain Wales ac Living Wage Foundation. Y Cyflog Byw Gwirioneddol yw'r unig gyfradd gyflog yn y DU yn seiliedig ar gostau byw. Mae Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd yn falch o dderbyn cydnabyddiaeth ffurfiol o'n hymrwymiad at gyflog teg a’n eiriolaeth ar gyfer twf economaidd cynhwysol ar draws ein Rhanbarth.   Dysgwch fwy am ein hachrediad a'r hyn y mae'n ei olygu i CCR yma: #CardiffCapitalRegion #RealLivingWage

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    Cardiff Capital Region is currently recruiting for two Accountants. Each of these posts will work closely with each of the two Finance Business Partners to oversee the CCR’s financial and management accounting. These are not your average Accountant roles; each day is different here and you will be given opportunities to work across a range of areas, with both internal and external stakeholders. What we are looking for from you: - An experienced Accountant with a track record of operating at a similar public/private organisation supporting the smooth running of all day-to-day financial systems and processes. - You’ll be an effective, proactive, and committed member of a small Finance Team in a new and growing organisation, providing the successful postholders with the opportunity to shape both their roles and the wider finance function. Learn more and apply here:   Mae Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd (CCR) yn recriwtio ar gyfer dau Gyfrifydd. Bydd pob un o’r swyddi hyn yn gweithio’n agos gyda phob un o’r ddau Bartner Busnes Cyllid i oruchwylio amgylchedd cyfrifyddu, adrodd a rheoli mewnol ariannol a rheolaeth Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd. Nid rolau Cyfrifydd cyffredin mo’r rhain; mae pob diwrnod yn wahanol yma, a rhoddir cyfleoedd ichi weithio ledled ystod o feysydd, gyda rhanddeiliaid mewnol ac allanol fel ei gilydd. Yr hyn y chwiliwn amdano gennych chi: - Cyfrifydd profiadol gyda hanes o lwyddo wrth weithredu mewn sefydliad cyhoeddus/preifat cyffelyb sy’n cynorthwyo’r holl systemau a phrosesau ariannol beunyddiol i weithredu’n ddi-dor. - Fe fyddwch yn aelod effeithiol, rhagweithiol ac ymrwymedig o dîm Cyllid bychan mewn sefydliad newydd ac sy’n tyfu, gan roi’r cyfle i’r deiliaid swydd llwyddiannus lunio’u rolau a’r swyddogaeth ariannol ehangach. #CardiffCapitalRegion #Hiring

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    7 days left to apply for the Infuse Collision Space! If you’re passionate about innovation, collaboration, and net zero, the Infuse Collision Space is your opportunity to lead change in the road to decarbonisation. Build your innovation skills, gain access to cross-sector subject matter experts, and have the chance to pitch for funding for promising solutions. Learn more about the programme and apply today: 7 diwrnod yn weddill i ymgeisio ar gyfer yr Infuse Collision Space! Os ydych yn angerddol dros arloesi, cydweithredu, a sero net, yr Infuse Collision Space yw’ch cyfle i arwain newid ar y ffordd i ddatgarboneiddio. Datblygwch eich sgiliau arloesi, bydd gennych fynediad at arbenigwyr pynciau traws-sector, a bydd y cyfle ichi apelio am gyllid ar gyfer datrysiadau addawol. Dysgwch fwy am y rhaglen ac ymgeisiwch heddiw: #CardiffCapitalRegion #Infuse #Innovation

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    Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) invests £45 million into Welsh telecoms provider Ogi, Wales’ biggest alternative network provider. The financing package aims to develop and transform digital capabilities in villages, towns and cities across the Cardiff Capital Region, helping to reduce digital disparities and offer local communities and businesses reliable services and ultrafast connectivity.   Businesses will be positively impacted by having better reliable broadband, enabling greater productivity, cloud computing, AI and data storage. The investment is also foundational to the development of CCR’s high-tech sectors and key to ongoing developments like the Investment Zone.   Learn more about what the investment means for residents and businesses: Mae buddsoddiad £45 miliwn gan Brifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd (CCR) yn Ogi, cwmni telegyfathrebu amgen mwyaf Cymru. Nod y pecyn cyllid i ariannu dyledion yw datblygu a thrawsnewid galluoedd digidol mewn pentrefydd, trefydd a dinasoedd ledled y deg Cyngor sy’n ffurfio Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd, gan helpu i lleihau anghyfartalwch digidol ac i gynnig gwasanaethau dibynadwy a gwibgyswllt i gymunedau a busnesau lleol. Effeithir yn gadarnhaol ar fusnesau trwy gael band eang dibynadwy gwell, gan alluogi mwy o gynhyrchiant, cyfrifiadura cwmwl, deallusrwydd artiffisial a storfa ddata. Mae’r buddsoddiad hefyd yn sylfaenol i ddatblygiad sectorau uwch-dechnoleg Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd ac yn allweddol i ddatblygiadau parhaus fel yr Ardal Fuddsoddi. #CardiffCapitalRegion #WalesTech #DigitalWales #TechInnovation #Infrastructure

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    📣 Calling business advisors, accountants, bankers, lawyers, and the wider small business support community in Wales. Join one of our roadshow events to find out more about our Investment Fund for Wales and how it can benefit smaller businesses. 📍 Wrexham, 8 October | Book your spot: 📍 Newtown, 9 October | Book your spot: 📍 Cardiff, 10 October | Book your spot __________________________ 📣 Yn galw ar ymgynghorwyr busnes, cyfrifyddion, bancwyr, cyfreithwyr, a’r gymuned ehangach sy’n cynorthwyo busnesau bach yng Nghymru Ymunwch yn un o’n sioeau pen ffordd i glywed rhagor am ein Cronfa Buddsoddi i Gymru a sut y gall busnesau bach elwa arni. 📍Wrecsam, 8 Hydref | Bwciwch eich lle: 📍Y Drenewydd, 9 Hydref | Bwciwch eich lle: 📍Caerdydd, 10 Hydref | Bwciwch eich lle:

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