The Career Innovation Company reposted this
While debates about how we organise and structure work play out – tasks, skills, jobs, automation – the fundamental remains: businesses need people to get stuff done, rapidly adapt, learn new things and affiliate with the people around them. This achievement, growth, and sense of belonging is the story people will tell about their working lives – their career. The extent to which these ‘careers’ are rewarding, personally meaningful experiences and aligned with strategy will inform the organisational outcomes. When facing the challenge and expense of changing how work is organised it is easy to overlook how individuals doing the work will experience a career unfolding. Answering yes to three questions will help navigate the flux while skills or task based approaches and/or new HR tech stacks get implemented, and then, accelerate the ROI: ❓ Do people have agency to manage their own career – specific skills and motivation to be proactive in seeking opportunity? ❓ Can managers have the conversations that support people to find their path in your context - no matter what the current ambiguities? ❓ Does everyone (exco, HR COEs, HR BPs, line hires) understand the intentional principles that shape how careers unfold at your organisation – a career philosophy? This is where we at The Career Innovation Company play – running workshops for HR, managers and employees to leverage personal career experiences for organisational outcomes. #reskilling #internalmobility #retention