The Community Right to Buy has the potential to be truly transformational in growing community autonomy to create socially, economically and environmentally thriving places. But we need key funding and policy support to sit alongside this to be truly meaningful to cities, towns and villages everywhere - but especially in the most financially disadvantaged areas. That's why we've co-signed Power to Change's letter alongside Locality, Plunkett UK, Co-operatives UK, The Ubele Initiative, Cwmpas, Leeds Community Homes Ltd, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Shared Assets, Voice4Change England and other stalwarts in community-led ownership and regeneration. Read the letter today ⬇️
Today the Chancellor is talking about growth. We've joined forces with leaders locally and nationally to make a clear call to back community ownership and drive growth people can see and feel in their local area. Read our letter 🖊️