Today, we said farewell for a little while to the wonderful Kylie who has been the allotment lead for the past 6 months. Today we had a team breakfast and reflected on her achievements in this short space of time and how far the space has come. We have had a wonderful volunteering team supporting and learning. Organic produce that had gone straight from the allotment into the CLC Sunshine cafe, members who had their first chance of planting and made the space an extension of the centre, a welcoming environment where we have been able to hold sensory sessions. The funding for this post was available thanks to a grant from Onward homes and we hope to find future funding next year so that we can continue building on our green spaces work, showing that being outdoors and working together can help improve mental health and wellbeing. Thank you to every member who participated, every volunteer who pulled a weed and planted a seed and most especially to Kylie, the allotment legend. We hope that allotment group will come back next year with even more great ideas. #GreenSpaces #Prestwich #growingtogether #wellbeing #outdoors #allotmentlife #charity #funding