Thanks for the wonderful feedback Sarah Sarkies. Really looking forward to the website magician’s very own website!
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Big whoop to the wonderfully talented Emma B Murrills for my recent photoshoot on the Elevate Retreat with Dawn Owen. What a pro Emma is... despite limitations on location enforced by the hotel and me moaning about having my photo taken, she came up with these crackers. My brief to Emma was something dark and moody, as I'm about to redesign my site with a high contrast palette and wanted some specific images to use. So here I am, looking like the MD of the hotel, never mind a guest 😊 - apart from the comedy ones, that's just me being daft, Emma and I had a right giggle. Next time, I'll be knocking on the door of the penthouse asking for my photoshoot to be in there, and I know who to take with me for the photos. Thanks so much Emma!