The Final Evaluation of the National ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) Programme 2014 to 2020 has been published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). Winning Moves was part of a consortium, led by Wavehill: social and economic research, that evaluated the impacts of the programme.
Building on work undertaken in two earlier phases, the main goals of this evaluation were to provide:
🔹an assessment of programme relevance, appropriateness, and consistency
🔹a review of performance against financial and output targets
🔹an evaluation of delivery and process
🔹an evaluation of impacts arising from the programme
🔹an economic evaluation and assessment of value for money.
Winning Moves’ main role was to inform the evaluation by gathering primary research evidence and feedback from a large enough sample of the several thousands of businesses receiving support, to draw meaningful conclusions.
Using a mixed-method, multi-mode approach, we were successful in securing responses from more than 4,000 businesses with response rates for individual surveys between 22%-29% - providing robust, representative samples for analysis.
The report produced by Winning Moves, in conjunction with wider evaluation outputs by CAG Consultants and Hatch, have enabled the Department to understand (a) the process of implementation and delivery of the projects funded through the programme and (b) whether and how this resulted in the intended outcomes and impact.
Whilst the national evaluation of the ERDF programme was commissioned to meet a regulatory requirement, MHCLG is using the findings of this and earlier rounds of the evaluation in the development and delivery of successor domestic funds.
You can find the full evaluation report on the website here:
Winning Moves, part of GC Insight, design and deliver evaluations that draw from the full range of methods described in the Magenta Book guidance on evaluations in government. Our trusted team of researchers and evaluators create actionable insight using a broad spectrum of methodologies, tailored to each client’s needs. This includes survey services, with extensive capabilities in designing, delivering and reporting in surveys.
You can find out more about how we support evaluations and our survey services on GC Insight’s website, here: