International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine reposted this
There is a new book out on measles, Booster Shots by pediatrician Dr. Adam Ratner. He will be appearing on C-span on 16 March.
The Academy was founded in 1955, its object being the promotion and search for new knowledge in aerospace medicine, and the contribution to international co-operation among those devoted to education and research in this particular field. Membership is limited to 275, but such number has never yet been reached. Members-to-be undergo a selection process and are elected solely on merit, regardless of their nationality, race, creed, ideology or political belief. Candidates must be graduates from an accredited Medical School who have made an outstanding contribution to aerospace medicine and/or hold an eminent position in the subject and/or in the allied sciences. The Academy's Strategic Plan is: VISION To be the pre-eminent international, multi-disciplinary organization in aviation and space medicine, through the leadership, knowledge and collaboration of our members MISSION To provide international leadership and mentorship and to advance the knowledge and understanding of aviation and space medicine, through worldwide initiatives in education, training, research and practice CORE VALUES LEADERSHIP is our greatest strength INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION is at the heart of what we do FELLOWSHIP is our expression of unity and diversity MENTORSHIP is our investment in the future INTEGRITY is the foundation for all our actions
External link for International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine
London, GB
International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine reposted this
There is a new book out on measles, Booster Shots by pediatrician Dr. Adam Ratner. He will be appearing on C-span on 16 March.
CONGRESS ANNOUNCEMENT: Registration and Abstract Submission are now open for the 71st International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine One Farrer Hotel, Singapore, 27-30 October 2025 Please submit your abstract for ICASM2025 at your earliest convenience, no later than 30 April 2025. Thank you! #IAASM #ICASM #Singapore #Aviation #Space #Medicine
IAASM Webinar 26 March 2025 An Academy webinar has been organised for 26 March 2025 at 09.00 EST (14.00 UK, 15.00 Madrid) on Single Pilot and Reduced Crew Options for Commercial Airlines. The webinar will last 90 minutes and CME is being applied for. Registration and further details will be available shortly. In the meantime please ‘Save the Date!’. Kind regards Sally Dr Sally Evans Secretary General IAASM
Message from IAASM Secretary General Dr. Sally Evans: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AVIATION AND SPACE MEDICINE (ICASM) ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE WILL BE APRIL 30th EACH YEAR Starting in 2025 there will be a hard cut off date for the submission of abstracts for ICASMs, April 30th. This is because the CME accreditation bodies (usually EACCME in Europe) require the full programme to be submitted to them 3 months in advance of the Congress date. Working backwards from this there needs to be time for the abstracts to be reviewed, agreed and presenters informed prior to submission to EACCME. Council felt that the end date for abstract submission should be the same every year so that it is easy to remember rather than varying it according to the date of the Congress, which can be held any time between September and November. ICASM25 SINGAPORE The dates of the Congress in Singapore next year are 27 to 30 October 2025. Abstract Submission and Registration opens 1st February 2025. Abstract Submission closes 30th April 2025. Please save these dates in your calendar/diary!
Five new Academicians were inducted into the Academy at the Academicians’ Dinner at Lisbon Geographical Society on 4 October 2024. Dr Eilis Boudreau (USA) Dr Justin Flatt (UK) Dr Cristian Ionut Panait (Romania) Dr Erik Frijters (The Netherlands) Dr Marc-André Polet (Belgium) and Dr Ling Seow Ng (Malaysia) was made an Associate Member of the Academy.
An award in the name of Academician Dr. Jim Webb was presented by his widow, Fran, to Leonardo Bueno, a physics teacher at St Dominic's International School in Lisbon to recognize his success in encouraging students to go on to successful STEM careers. On the day prior to the start of ICAM24 the President and Secretary General, accompanied by Fran, visited St Dominic's International School in Lisbon to give the Principal a recognition certificate for the school and to present the IAASM James T. Webb Award. The Award was named posthumously after Dr Jim Webb who was instrumental in its development. The 2024 Award recognized Leonardo Bueno, a physics teacher, for his passion for the subject, his ability to help his students improve their conceptual understanding and his encouragement for them to go on to successful careers based on STEM subjects. The Principal, Mr Bueno and several pupils attended the opening morning of the Congress for the Allard lecture, given by the Academician Dr Duncan Hughes, and the space symposium.
CME/CPD Credits for ICAM 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal, 3-5 October 2024 Dr. Rui Pombal, President of the Organizing Committee - ICAM 2024, has advised attendees that they may claim “17.5 credited hours from UEMS [EACCME], as well 10 credit hours for AMEs from the Portugal CAA. The latter typically applies across EASA through direct equivalence given by all the other CAAs. Including potential pre- or post-congress technical visits, this figure can go up to a total of 14 credited hours.” For attendees needing ACCME CME accreditation, Jeff Sventek states that “To convert EACCME credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit, physicians can: - Go to the AMA website at to get the necessary paperwork and instructions - Submit an online application that includes: - A copy of the EACCME credit certificate - A nonrefundable processing fee - Ensure the activity was certified for EACCME credit on the EACCME website (see A separate application and processing fee is required for each activity submitted. EACCME credits are recognized in most European countries, the USA, and Canada. When an EACCME certificate is submitted to the National Accreditation Authority, the credits are automatically recognized and converted into national credits.”
NASA will cover the pre-launch and launch of a ULA Atlas V rocket carrying the Boeing Starliner spacecraft tomorrow. The launch is set for 12:25 p.m. EDT Saturday, June 1, from Cape Canaveral. If the launch goes according to plan, Starliner will dock with the ISS around 1:50 p.m., Sunday, June 2.
The May 19 deadline for ICAM 2024 abstract submission is almost upon us. Please submit your abstract now, on May 17 or 18 to avoid missing the deadline. It will not be extended.