CPR is one of the best skills someone can have, but it's important that the correct technique stays fresh in their mind. So, we want to know...
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INNOSONIAN Europe supplies the award winning range of Brayden CPR training manikins across mainland Europe through distributors in over 30 countries. The manikins include Brayden Advanced (with lights); Brayden Pro and Brayden Baby.
External link for Innosonian Europe
Chancerygate Way
Farnborough, Surrey GU14 8FF, GB
Our partner Integra Medical | Importer wyrobów medycznych | właściciel marki Projekt AED is doing incredible work in Poland, helping businesses deliver accurate and lifesaving CPR training with Brayden and equipping defibrillators in public spaces. #Defibrillators #CPR #CPRTraining #Poland
⚠️ EDUKACJA, PROMOCJA, BEZPIECZEŃSTWO 🚨 💪 W ramach wsparcia naszych partnerów biznesowych w całej Polsce pojawi się kilkadziesiąt zestawów do promocji idei Publicznego Dostępu do Defibrylacji ⚡ 🤝 We współpracy z CU Medical Germany GmbH (defibrylatory AED: iPAD SP1) oraz Innosonian Europe (fantomy: Brayden) przygotowaliśmy zestawy: ✔️ Kapsułę DefibSafe 3 - https://lnkd.in/eC8nWhWW ✔️ Defibrylator iPAD SP1 - https://lnkd.in/eDpRNje9 ✔️ Fantom Brayden Adult LED - https://lnkd.in/edp8UwXt 👉 Mobilne standy umożliwiają wykorzystanie urządzeń podczas targów, eventów plenerowych i szkoleń 💪 ⚠️ Integra Medical jest jedynym oficjalnym dystrybutorem defibrylatorów iPAD SP1 oraz fantomów Brayden na terenie Polski i prowadzi sprzedaż do użytkowników końcowych we współpracy z lokalnymi partnerami biznesowymi. Jeśli są Państwo zainteresowani zakupem lub uzyskaniem dodatkowych informacji, zapraszamy do kontaktu ❗ #AED #PierwszaPomoc #Szkolenia #RKO #Bezpieczeństwo #Targi #Brayden #Innosonian #iPadSP1
Good design doesn’t have to be complex. At Innosonian, our award-winning Brayden CPR manikins reflect our commitment to simplicity and effectiveness. We’re proud to support first aid and basic life support training programs worldwide. Learn more about our work here: https://lnkd.in/eMuF2x8f #Innosonian #Brayden #CPRSavesLives
Access to quality CPR training is often a barrier for many learners. But what if virtual training platforms powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) could make this life-saving skill more accessible than ever? Discover how technology is breaking down these barriers and encouraging more people to learn CPR here: https://lnkd.in/e_UccmEh #CPRAI #AICPR #ArtificialIntelligence
Good design doesn’t have to be complex. At Innosonian, our award-winning Brayden CPR manikins reflect our commitment to simplicity and effectiveness. We’re proud to support first aid and basic life support training programs worldwide. Learn more about our work here: https://lnkd.in/eMuF2x8f #Innosonian #Brayden #CPRSavesLives
Four Formazione Aziendale e Cardioprotezione have been busy teaching more people lifesaving skills, using the Brayden manikins to ensure they learn accurate CPR. #CPR #BLS #CPRManikin #CPRTraining
È sempre con piacere che torniamo al Joint Research Centre dell’Unione Europea 🇪🇺a Ispra, per due giorni di corsi #blsd: nuovi addetti formati e nuovi aggiornamenti per gli operatori di questa fantastica comunità di 27 nazionalità europee che lavorano fianco a fianco!
Feedback is key to effective CPR training, but how can Artificial Intelligence (AI) take it to the next level? AI has the potential to provide real-time insights, improve performance, and ensure that every learner is prepared to deliver high-quality CPR when it matters most. Explore the role of AI in shaping the future of CPR training: https://lnkd.in/e_UccmEh #CPRAI #AICPR #ArtificialIntelligence
At Innosonian, we believe CPR should be straightforward to teach and easy to learn, giving everyone the opportunity to gain this vital, life-saving skill. By making CPR accessible, we can help improve survival rates after cardiac arrest. Discover more about our mission and values here: https://lnkd.in/eMuF2x8f #Innosonian #Brayden #CPRSavesLives
Discover our latest innovation - the Brayden AED Trainer! Leave a comment below if you would like more information. #AEDTrainer #AED #BLS #DefibrillatorTrainer
Take a look at our new AED Trainer. Equipped with some really great features, reusable Defib pads and light sensor technology. WEL Medical Ltd Innosonian Europe Innosonian America Innosonian Inc.
Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionising industries like commerce and design. So why not Basic Life Support (BLS) training? By merging physical and digital worlds, AR could deliver highly immersive CPR training experiences that enhance learning and retention. Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/e_UccmEh #CPRAI #AICPR #ArtificialIntelligence